On the move

Sep 14, 2009 10:22

Big weekend for Jessica - she started crawling on Friday (9 1/2 months) and clapping on Sunday.

Friday I put her on the floor at Briar Bush where Charlotte was enjoying a class - holding a guinea pig (Piglet) and making an owl puppet from a paper bag).  Off she went.  Charlotte had just started the craft.

Me: Look what your sister's doing.
Charlotte (glancing up): I'll go get her.

She does like to put Jessica back in place.

Sunday Jessica was sitting next to my parents' TV and just started clapping.  Previously I'd taken her hands and clapped them together, which made her smile.  When I did this last week she then tried on her own, but only used one hand.  Not quite.  So Sunday she decided it was time.  Since we all cried out, "Yay!" and started clapping along, she now makes a "Yay!" type sound when clapping.  Very cute.

She was tricky to get to bed Friday and Saturday, thought she might have gotten a tooth for the hat trick, but no. :-)

that's what she said, baby

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