'Newly Fallen', Jim/Blair pre-slash, rated G

Dec 19, 2007 00:45

A drabble for the 
sentinel_thurs challenge: Ice


It had snowed on Saturday.  Sunday’s warmer weather turned everything to slush. Then temperatures plummeted again overnight, and on Monday morning there was a fresh dusting of white. Soft and fluffy and pristine and seemingly harmless, but concealing the treacherous patches of sheet ice underneath produced by the thawing and re-freezing of Saturday’s snow.

It was Jim who had the luck to slip. Lying on the ground, looking up at the gray sky, he saw a vision of an angel hovering over him. One with flyaway curls and concerned blue eyes.
 Funny part was, he hadn’t even hit his head. 

the sentinel, fic, drabble, pre-slash
