Behind the LJ cut are the first lines of some of my stories. Possibly some last lines too if I can find some I like. If you're up to it, take a line and write a story/drabble using it as the first (or last) line. Whatever works.
And I thought I would add: Feel free to comment anonymously if that makes you more comfortable for any reason. :-)
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“This holiday is equivalent in importance to Easter or Yom Kippur, now sit up and look interested.”
“That so?” Jack said. “Cause it’s mostly seemed like four hours of bell ringing and the shakey dance, to me.”
Daniel cast him a sidelong glance (and Jack was counting that as a win - made him look) and then turned back, mouth tight around whatever it was he decided not to say. “Yes, Jack, I’ve been sitting here the whole time.”
“Oh, look, I was wrong. Four and a half.”
“We were honored to be invited.”
“Half of their people are sleeping,” Jack said. In the center of the room, the priest had taken up his hand bells again and was shimmying around erratically, jingling and jangling with every step. “Look, that girl’s doing her laundry.”
He watched as Daniel glanced over to where one of the locals was darning her socks, scanned the daydreaming crowd, the kids passed out under the benches. Saw him finally look directly across the circle where Carter was staring off into space with her head tipped sideways and her thinking face on, probably running square roots in her head or something, and Teal’c was, by all appearances, kel no’reeming. Saw him look back to where the priest was still doing his thing, gyrating before the altar, oblivious. Knew the exact second he gave in.
“We’ll just tie all night on tic-tac-toe,” Daniel said, finally, and produced a pen from inside his vest. “Squares. I’ll set it.”
“Finally,” Jack sighed. He took once last glance around while Daniel laid out of the rows of dots, shook his head in disbelief up towards the front of the hall. The priest was stomping, stretching out his hands, shaking them up to his forehead. So the Macarena wasn’t just an Earth thing. Who knew?
Hey, Macarena! *shimmies*
Silly and so them!
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