Episode Alphabet Soup contribution: 'Z is for Zebras'

May 26, 2014 21:25

Soooooooup! Episode Alphabet Soup!

Gen, 240 words, based on the episode 'Legacy', Janet POV.

Z is for Zebras

They drill it into you in medical school. The most likely explanation for whatever symptoms a patient presents with, is the most likely explanation. 'Think horses.' Daniel's diagnosis was clear-cut. Migraines, hallucinations, increased dopamine levels… Everything added together pointed in one direction. I called in Doctor MacKenzie. He agreed with my conclusions.


We put Daniel away. Committed him, medicated him, stopped listening to him. The only thing that saved Daniel in the end was Machello's device transferring itself into Teal'c.

Teal'c inadvertently saved Daniel's sanity and ended up nearly losing his own life. Daniel saved Teal'c by telling us what we should be looking for.

What I learned in medical school had been of no use to anyone up to that point. My sole worthwhile contribution in the entire process was ultimately the idea to use the centrifuge to make an injection of Sam's blood safe for the rest of us. Everything else I did or said was either useless or harmful.

'First do no harm' is the other thing they drill into you in med school.

I failed Daniel in every way.

I am the chief medical officer of a command that has the word 'Stargate' in its title. Why did I assume that the mundane answer would be the right one, when my patients travel for a living to other planets?

God help me, from now on, when I hear hoofbeats, I am going to think zebras.

This entry was originally posted at http://sid.dreamwidth.org/302058.html.
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sg1, fic, episode tag, gen
