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Comments 4

the writing on the wall lolmac October 26 2013, 20:42:06 UTC
Yiiii!!! Creepy!

*hides under blankets*


Re: the writing on the wall sidlj October 26 2013, 20:46:22 UTC
*rubs hands together* Excellent! :-P


Re: the writing on the wall lolmac October 26 2013, 21:07:37 UTC

BTW, thanks for holding down the fort all night at Fic Rush! I'm sorry you had to do it, but very glad that you did!


Re: the writing on the wall sidlj October 27 2013, 02:58:22 UTC
It was weird, because LJ threw a huge hissy fit that lasted about half an hour just as my shift was ending, but then behaved like a lamb the rest of the night.


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