Some stuff whut I wrote

Mar 18, 2013 04:20

1. So have you all seen the links flying around LJ and DW regarding Turkish oil wrestling?

zats_clear wanted some SG-1 fic to be inspired by these links.

Some was. Turkish Delight. (J/D pre-slash, PG-13)

2. This next bit will make little sense if you haven't been following troyswann's Peregrine AU WIP fanfic based on (Inspector) Lewis. So, begin with Peregrine and work your way through the list to the most recent entry, The Flavour of Strawberries. You won't regret it, because Sal writes the most golden of words. And it's so very extremely AU that you don't need to know canon!

And I wrote fanfic of her fantastic Alternate Universe: here. It's a future!fic, not part of the WIP.

Confused? Well, check it all out anyway. Immerse yourself in the world Sal built. Thank me later. :-)

3. In the not-ready-to-rock-and-roll-yet category, I spent 2 1/2 hours last night editing the
aboreal_gate multiple-author, still-untitled NC-17 J/D cliffhanger, trying to align all the pieces parts and gain some semblance of continuity. It's at about 12,340 words, which is so AWESOME, when it all began as a fragment I had no clue where to go with. I'll write a final scene to tie up loose ends, throw it on the mercy of a beta or two to see whether or not it all hangs together, and take it from there. :-)

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(there are currently
comments at Dreamwidth.)

arboreal gate, fic, j/d, peregrine, pre-slash
