Commentfic: SG-1, SGA, Farscape, Boston Legal/Star Trek TOS (yes, you read that right)

Dec 19, 2011 06:08

The first link goes to LJ, the rest are on DW
ETA: Burn Notice and Highlander, which link to LJ

Five things Teyla dreams about

Boston Legal/Star Trek TOS, Denny, Denny gets swapped with Kirk and ends up on the Enterprise dealing with the Klingons Crack!!

Stargate SG-1, Daniel Jackson and the Secret of the Old Brick Wall More crack!

Farscape, John/Aeryn, the sound of rain

Stargate SG-1, Cameron/Vala, leather and lace

Stargate SG-1, Daniel/Ke'ra, what happened in her quarters after he kissed her Look at all this het! Huh.

Stargate SG-1, written in reverse timeline A not-very-successful experiment

Stargate SG-1, Cameron Mitchell, Cam's never been good at quiet

ETA a couple of tiny fills that have been hanging around, not worth a post of their own:

Highlander, Methos, no beer (theme = three sentence fills)

Burn Notice, Victor, at the end (theme = six word fills)

This entry was originally posted at
(there are currently
comments at Dreamwidth.)

highlander, burn notice, sga, commentfic, het, star trek, farscape
