Ha ha - I've just been clearing out some really old emails from Outlook on my PC and lo and behold, I've just come across our first email exchange where I sent you feedback! Around Christmas 2005 apparently! :D
I think the first thing I wrote was Nov. 1st, 2004. And you may have been the very first person to give me feedback. First or second, I don't recall. I may have saved a printout of our exchange! I was putting feedback into binders for a while, and I think I've kept some of it. :-)
ETA: I just found an early LJ interaction where you refer to yourself as my first feedbacker, so it must be true!
ETA: I just found an early LJ interaction where you refer to yourself as my first feedbacker, so it must be true!
(I've still got feedback from my... 4 fics or whatever it was that I wrote! lol. I should probably just delete them.)
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