For the
slashthedrabble theme "Debt" I wrote an actual one-hundred-words drabble, because what kind of KRZ fan would I be if I let that prompt go by without writing something for it.
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(Weaver returns from the elevator.)
WEAVER: Nobody's at the desk on 5. I think this place could use more music, don't you? Do you ever watch those hermit crabs on the dock, and imagine another hermit crab in a little suit with a little briefcase coming up and repossessing their shell?
LULA: You're like a programmer I knew when I was younger. Dissatisfied. Given to odd fixations.
LULA: You remind me of this blind engineer I once knew. Artistic. Adrift. Working below your skill level.
LULA: I've really never known anyone like you.
LULA: The hermit crabs creep me out.
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