Much with the Celebration

Jan 03, 2011 19:58

I hope everybody had a nice time over New Year. I thought that I was working this Saturday but they ended up swapping over my shifts so I had my friend over for our annual New Year Movie Marathon sleepover on Friday night. We watched Bridget Jones's Diary and various other New Year-sy movies and ate a lot of chocolate left over from Christmas and watched the pretty London fireworks on television. I have a sudden determination to go up to Edinburgh next year and watch the fireworks display near the castle. I never go out on New Year's as I find it quite anticlimactic, but the fireworks we watched were so pretty I may have to rethink my approach. Hmmmm.

Had a very hectic day at work today which was quite stressful and bleh at times. I suppose lots of people were given spa gift vouchers over Xmas and they all seemed to decide to cash them in today. Oh well. I just checked my emails when I got in and look at the pretty that had landed in my inbox:

You have been nominated at No Rest For The Wicked Awards in the following categories:

Title: Deeper Into You
Fandom/Pairing: BtVS - Riley/Buffy
Categories: That Vision Thing (Best Music Video)

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Thanks so much to whoever nominated me! ^_^ I'm not too competition savvy or good at promoting my fannish stuff so it was a really nice surprise to get this, especially since this vid is a few years old. And there's not nearly enough Buffy/Riley love out there ♥

vidding, yay!, i love you guys, a wee bit o' celebration, things made of awesome

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