Dark/New Moon Ritual and BonFIRE

Jan 03, 2011 20:42

It's very short notice so this is mostly for the south sound folks. A bunch of us are feeling the urge to purge/release through fire/draw in new energy... so we've decided to do a Dark/New Moon Ritual tomorrow evening combined with a bonfire to torch stuff in.

Tuesday, Jan. 4th, 2011
7pm at Sidhehaven by the big fire pit. (We WILL start at 7)
Adults only.
Bring with you anything that you want to release in the fire.

For those who can't make it; if you have something you'd like energy/thoughts released with this fire you can email me at sherrysidhehaven@gmail.com and I'll print out your email and toss it in the flames.

Feel free to bring munchies or something to drink for afters... and yes, the hot tub will be available.

RSVPs are a wonderful thing!
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