Decompression 2011 at Sidhehaven

Jun 10, 2011 16:32

Sunday July 3rd 2011

Come join us for our 4th annual celebration of Tribe and Community!
Music, costuming, potluck, vending, barter, poi, hooping, dancing, singing, sharing and anything else we can think up.

This year we are changing our format to all-open-mike-all-the-time! Our challenge to the community? BRING IT! Poetry? Filk? Cover songs? Karaoke? Monologues? You've got talent and we want to see it! Sound system provided by David Burch and our amazing MC for the day is "Mark O".

Current Schedule=
11am: Doors open
Noon: Sign up / coordinations for open mike start; Potluck set up in the house.
1pm - ?: Open mike with intermittent waves of dance music.

Any donations will go towards property improvement projects at Sidhehaven (currently on the list are: Outdoor shower, wood flooring for Yome and an outdoor kitchen)

We will have tables set up for the sharing of potluck food, please label dishes with ingredients ESPECIALLY if they contain nuts or gluten as there are several severe allergies in the community. Sidhehaven is a No-Pork zone so take care of your bacon cravings before arriving please *smiles*.

If you would like to bring goods and set up a table to vend handmade items or to barter or to just give stuff away, feel free!

Doors open at 11am, if you arrive before then you WILL be put to work helping with set up. If you want to volunteer to be part of the set up team and camp out the night before then please send an email to to coordinate. (and if you want to volunteer to help with cleanup you get a gold star and Sherry's undying gratitude!)

This event is family friendly, and minors (under 18 years old) are welcome. If you bring smalls then you are responsible for them as our home is in no way child proof.

If I've forgotten to include any information please email and ask me. Also if you need directions to Sidhehaven. Feel free to pass event information along to those who would be interested.

Contact is:

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