Mar 25, 2011 10:14
My life is simpler these days. I have conciously worked to eliminate stress and over-commitment. I've stripped my weekly schedule of the excess of things which had me driving to and from Seattle so much last year. I've put much of my long term "to do" list on a back burner. I'm taking time to read, every day. I've stopped letting myself feel guilty if I don't get something done that I said I would in a timely manner.
Sometimes it's an odd feeling. It's about 10am right now and I just finished my breakfast and second cup of coffee. Soon I'll head out to feed the chickens and then wander into my art studio to plan what I want to work on for the day. If the rain holds off I'll probably spend an hour or two working on the gardens. Art and gardening and then going ecstatic dancing with friends tonight. That's the totality of my plan for the day.
Tomorrow I'll be meeting up with more friends & family to go to a local sawmill to pick up a truck full of the end cuts so we can work on the raised beds for the garden. David arranged this for us and Mark & Shawn are going to help me to heft wood around. Staying close to home, spending time and working together with friends and family, simplifying our budget as well as my time mangement; these are my priorities now.
We're expanding the kitchen gardens and changing over to a more biointensive method of planting to increase our food production. Working together to grow and preserve our own food; working on the facilities here at Sidhehaven to make them even more conducive to folks coming for personal spiritual retreats, all of that is in the plan for this summer. This years specific projects include: Putting in the outdoor shower; Doing the finish work on the yome; Adding a raised bed "bed" filled with low growing mint for folks to nap on; Moving the God & Goddess shrines to inside the fenced in backyard; Moving the chicken coop.. I'm sure there will be other things that come up as the year progresses.
I'm also focusing on my personal spiritual growth. Forming a coven and working with those who've chosen to join me on that path. Creating a core spiritual group here at Sidhehaven and going deeper into energetic work together.
I'm feeling really good about where I am in life right now.. not running around like a "cat with my fire on fire".. just simmering.. a slow steady warmth of accomplishment.