A-Z Meme
Age: 54 (will be 55 in July)
Bed size: I have a queen-size that I share with my flatmates (The Trio)
Cat names: Tovarish, Tomodachi and Maneki
Dog name: Can't have one due to severe allergies (I stop breathing)
Eye color: Hazel
Favorite color: I have more than one
Ghosts exist: I follow in my late father's footsteps (he was also a certified skeptic, unlike his sister and mother)
Height: 5'4"
Instrument you play(ed): I played the violin and the harp in elhi (the violin from second grade until my senior year of high school, the harp my junior and senior years of high school.) Had to stop because the prices of the instruments plus the lessons were prohibitive (not to mention transporting them to and from the only places that had classes for adults.)
Jealous type: With my dating history? ROFLMAO
Kids: I'm intersexual plus there needs to be two to "tango"
Longest relationship: Just with The Trio, especially Tovarish (she's almost ten, and I got her when she was six weeks old)
Mood currently: Pissed off
Night owl: Pretty much always have been
Overnight hospital: Not for physical stuff, but yes
Pet peeves: Idjits (idiots do stupid things, idjits do dangerous things)
Right or left handed: Ambidextrous
Siblings: Older sister and brother
Top two TV shows you watch: Don't own a television
Vacation plans?: Can't drive plus pretty much everything's closed
Who will play along?: Not sure what this means
XBox or PS4: Neither (I like "classic" video games plus I can't afford the console/s)
Yummy foods you like: I like pretty much anything that I'm not allergic to
Zoo Favorites: I follow ZooBorns, but the only time that I don't like animals in public zoos is when they are either abused or neglected. "Private" zoos are abominations imo, especially if the person "in charge" has no fucking idea what they're doing