wats up with ppl?

Apr 01, 2005 13:19

wats up with ppl?(this is the 2nd time av wrote this bastardin thing!!!)where to start,1st off ma mum went totally psyhco and a mean totally(if u dnt believe me ask kieren n niblet)4 wearin eyeshadow.she said men dnt wear make up,aye they fuckin dae!! a mean KISS wear more make up than her wen she goin 4 a piss up wi her m8s!ma stepdads snd about it tho.he cn b a kl guy sumtimes.its coz shes from a ned family she has this stereotyped idea that all goths r gay/bisexual.A hope she knowsd thats ma m8s shes talkin about!!

kinda old news but me n sophie broke up.aint life got ways of kickinu in the luv spuds?(a dnt want this 2 snd like a cheesy line from a chick flick)but she was the 1st person a ever luvd.but thats the way of it..well thas me 4 now al let u no how the basemnt gos.n uz goin 2 that band nite..drink,smoke n b happy!!am outta here.

P.S:meesh ure trust me n every1 ewlse wen we say u r not rotten u r cute, n if am rong then y'd a say yea at the basemnt that nite?eh?

P.P.S:a quit smokin!!YAHOOO!!
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