If You've Got an Impulse, Let It Out

Oct 22, 2006 08:49

I am actually awake at 8:30 this morning--even after going to bed at around two.  I have an election day class at ten.  Fantastic.  I forget what we're doing this class.  Last class we learned how to work the ballot scanners and fix them when they're mildly to moderately broken.  It turns out if they get completely fucked up during election day there is literally nothing we'll be able to do.  Fantastic indeed.
It's only a two hour class.  I need to go to Target and buy some water--I'm so thirsty--and probably some soup.  I also need to write two papers.  Hopefully I will do that today.
The good news: I only have to run in to English tomorrow to give him those papers.  I don't have English again until Friday, when my "conference" is scheduled.  I'm moderately happy about that.  Wednesday will be a lot nicer without having to go to English.  Yay for that.
In other news: there really isn't a lot.  Jill and I chilled yesterday for a few hours--which surprised me, because it did not feel like we spent three hours together.  She took me to this vegetarian restaurant in Lincoln Park.  It was tasty.  I didn't try tofu--I've been a little tramatized from recent tofu related experience--but I did get a fantastic vegan shake and black bean burger.  Not bad at all.  It was very crowded though, which even surprised Jill.
Other than that...I got nothin'.
This is the Sound of Settling
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