
Mar 03, 2010 18:23

"You hold back the fire of my soul with the most dexterous art. And your breast breathes so virginally too. Yet if it weren’t for your two great, dark, childish eyes, I must needs have thought you the cunningest whore that ever hurled a man to destruction.

"Through this dress I feel your body like a symphony. These slender ankles, this cantabile. This rapturous crescendo. And these knees, this capriccio. And the powerful andante of lust - How peacefully these two slim rivals press against each other in the consciousness that neither equals the other in beauty - till their capricious mistress wakes up and the rival lovers separate like the two hostile poles. I shall sing your praises so that your senses shall whirl."

- From Frank Wedekind's Pandora's Box

The swoon almost took my legs out from under me. For serious.
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