Nov 23, 2006 17:13
it's getting really really hard to be inspired nowadays. gone are the days where nights on the dancefloor are the norm. tripping over empty cups. mornings spent on the cold metal platform, squinting as the sun rises and nursing the heaviness in your head knowing that you could have done so much better. nights spent smoking til your fingers get horribly stained, contemplating things with the people who you know will always be there irregardless.
i miss september.
because september was my 'destroy yourself' month. and i can't even begin to remember the number of days i spent just wasting my it all away. it felt good in a way. in a guilty, disgustingly wretched kind of way.
today was nice. finally getting to meet the person i had been wanting see for the longest time, although the circumstances weren't exactly what i had expected. but it was still nice nevertheless. thanks ain for making my day. we should sit at starbucks and share coffee and stories more often. ;) i love you.
not working for a week feels weird. not standing for a long period of time feels weird. not pulling shots and steaming milk and starting small talk with strangers feels weird. but according to the doctor, if i want to keep doing all that, i'd have to rest for a bloody week. one motherfuckeringlyboring week. and i find myself going back to the store even though i was advised to stay in bed much to the dismay of my store manager. haha.
anyways, been procrastinating to put up the store chalet pics. i promise it'll come soon.
the rain is soothing and i'm missing the beloved.
when did you become the one without regret?