Cold Spark 10

Nov 25, 2012 22:07

Title: Cold Spark (Chapter 10 of ?)
Verse: G1 with references to WFC
Rating: M
Characters: Prowl and Jazz, Ratchet, Optimus, mention of Hound
Warnings: intimacy and hinted violence
Summary: After the concert, some surprising events take place

A/N: I have not abandoned this story. I got lost for a while and I had some serious writer's block. Real life also prevented me from working on this.

(I do not own Transformers.)

As Prowl slowly onlined he was glad he had taken the day off. His doorwings were stiff and ached terribly. His audio receptors still rang despite lowering their sensitivity at the concert. How humans endured that, even seemed to enjoy it, was beyond him.

Sighing deeply, he decided to remain still for a bit before attempting to move his doorwings. As he lay on his front with his doorwings splayed to the sides, he became aware of something else. He realized with joy that he could once again feel Jazz through their bond. He relaxed into the sensation and savored feeling his mate's presence again.

It was at that point that he also realized something was very wrong. He gasped and jumped when he felt a gentle magnetic pulse on his back between his doorwings. That is, he would have jumped if he hadn't been chained to the berth. His optics flashed online and he stared at the chains holding his wrists and shuddered at the soft clinking sound they made as he tried to move.

"Relax, Prowl." Jazz spoke barely above a whisper behind him. Prowl did as he was told and was rewarded with another gentle magnetic pulse. Knowing his bondmate was with him again he relaxed into the touch with a content sigh.

Jazz was quiet while he worked on his Praxian's back and doorwings, gently soothing the aches and stiffness out with magnetic pulses and tender touches. Despite being restrained it felt so good to be touched again. Prowl relaxed and nearly slipped back into recharge under the saboteur's skillful servos.

"Better?" Jazz asked softly some time later.


"Ya didn't tell meh last night how bad ya were hurting."

"I'd do anything for you. I could bear the pain knowing you were with me," Prowl answered.

"I'm sorry I behaved like a total aft." Jazz paused for a moment clearly struggling with whatever it was that was affecting his personality subroutines. "You're not a sparkless drone. I understand that you try to keep everyone safe."

Recognizing that his bondmate struggled with the apology, he decided the best course of action was to simply move on. "So," Prowl said softly, "since we got that settled, are you going to undo these chains?" The chains softly clinked again as he tried to move.

Jazz leaned up behind the bound mech settling carefully between the doorwings gently pinning his bondmate. "No," he whispered into Prowl's audio sensor.

Prowl wasn't sure what the other mech had planned but he knew he was up to something. Carefully probing the bond he felt that the chaos which was Jazz was even more intense than usual. The tactician struggled on a good day to make sense of what his bondmate thought and felt; this was beyond his comprehension. He shuddered as he felt Jazz's servo lazily trace along one doorwing.

"Prowl," the saboteur said quietly but with a slight edge to his voice. "Ya hurt mah feelings. Ah got mad because ya were hiding behind calculations instead of telling meh ya had been worried. Ah forgive ya though. Ya gotta learn it's okay to talk to meh and tell meh how ya feel."

Prowl nodded and remembered how Ironhide told him that a solid lasting relationship took work. Taking Jazz's comments to spark he softly said, "I have been receiving counseling about relationships. Would you be willing to go with me so we can get some help together?"

Jazz was stunned at this piece of information and then deeply touched when he realized how seriously his bondmate really did take their relationship. "Of course Ah will," he replied. "Ya really do care, don't ya?"

"Yes, I do."

"So, who has been giving ya advice?"

Prowl chuckled somewhat embarrassed by what he was about to say. "Optimus made me talk to Ironhide."

The saboteur laughed softly. "Of course. Old 'Hide and Chromia have been a bonded pair since before either of us emerged from the Well."

"You knew?" Prowl asked incredulously.

"Ah knew they had a solid relationship. Long time ago Ah tried to come onto 'Hide and Chromia just about gave meh a new exhaust port."

They shared a laugh and smiled at one another.

Jazz gently kissed the back of the Praxian's helm. "Still doesn't change the fact that Ah have to punish ya," he said in a sultry voice.

Prowl shuddered and shifted to get more comfortable. He felt Jazz shift above him and his fans kicked on as he felt digits gently stroke along a doorwing.

"What did you have in mind?"

"Oh," Jazz drawled as a servo slowly trailed down the panel to Prowl's back. "Ah think we'll find out just how hot Ah can get ya just to make sure there is no trace of coldness in yer spark."

Prowl gasped as digits worked into his doorwing joints and pinched the wires there. He then whined when they withdrew. He arched and moaned as he felt Jazz's glossa work into the same joint feeling his skillful glossa lick against the wires. He whimpered when the sensation stopped. Jazz sat up, straddled his mate's waist, and played with the sensitive edges of Prowl's doorwings. He did that for quite some time until the mech beneath him could only groan in pleasure. Once he was sure that his Praxian was helpless to his whims he began to unleash strong pulses through the magnetic emitters in his servos taking care to stimulate every bit of Prowl's doorwings and groping deeply into the joints where they connected to Prowl's back. Groans became passionate cries which eventually dissolved into shameless begging for release. Prowl's plating grew hot to the touch and he was oblivious to one of his fans seizing and shattering in its housing. Jazz made sure to not allow him to overload. The saboteur teased his mate relentlessly building up his passion almost to the point of release but denied him overload by masterfully holding him right at the edge. He pushed deeply through the bond to sense exactly where Prowl was in his arousal. He was dimly aware of his mate's own altered subroutines but didn't stop to consider it at the time. Finally, when Prowl couldn't take it anymore and overheat warnings flooded his processor with circuits on the verge of shorting out from excess charge, Jazz gently but firmly plunged his servos into the doorwing joints and sent a powerful magnetic burst through them which directly spread into those magnificent doorwings. Prowl screamed Jazz's name as overload crashed over him violently. "That's right Prowl," he moaned at the sight. "Scream my name, overload, long and hard!" The glorious noise was followed by silence as the mech promptly offlined.


Prowl onlined on his side feeling the pleasant after effects of the longest and hardest overload he had ever experienced. The chains were gone. Jazz was still there though nestled between his doorwings and slowly rubbing his abdominal plates.

"Ya should've seen yerself Prowler," Jazz whispered. "Ah never get tired of seeing ya overload."

Prowl relaxed against his lover who was again calling him by his modified name. He knew he had been forgiven.

"Are ya okay?" Jazz asked tenderly.

"Yes, except that Ratchet is going to throw a wrench at me for breaking a fan."

"Two fans. The second went while ya overloaded." He moved so Prowl could carefully roll over to face his mate. The tactician cupped a servo over his mate's cheekplate and looked into his visor. "I love you so much," he said with sincerity.

"Mmm, now that's more like it," Jazz purred. "Love ya too."



"I really missed you."

"Ah missed ya too."

Unexpectedly Prowl grasped one of his lover's sensory horns and leaned up a bit to kiss the other.

"Ngh, Prowler, what are ya doing?"

Between kisses he growled, "What does it feel like I'm doing, Jazz?" He licked up along the horn causing the saboteur to shiver.

"You yourself admitted you were behaving like an aft. When someone on the crew steps out of line, they must be disciplined." He paused to suckle the horn for a moment. "I am going to teach you never to call me cold again." This last remark was spoken in a chilling voice which caused Jazz to stare at his mate. If he hadn't been bonded to the mech the tone would have frozen his spark in fear. As it was, he was stunned at the unexpected behavior Prowl was exhibiting.

Prowl straddled his mate making sure to grind their hips slowly. He then opened his interface panel and drew out the cable. He looked at Jazz. "Open it," he commanded. The saboteur was curious where his mate was taking this. He had never displayed such dominant behavior in the berth before and Jazz found it highly arousing. He decided it was an attempt to work at their relationship and ignored the seemingly spurious lines of code he detected.

Jazz's panel opened with a click and Prowl immediately plugged his cable into the port moaning as he did so. He withdrew his mate's cable and plugged it into himself and waited for their systems to synchronize. Both of them ignored the bits of stray code in their systems, their processors treating them as insignificant since they had resided there for quite some time and Ratchet had not removed them. They enjoyed the gentle comfort of interface and moving freely within one another's processors. Soft moans and sounds of pleasure filled the room.

Prowl next opened his sparkplates exposing his spark chamber. The chamber itself then opened exposing the spark. Jazz gazed at the beautiful spark until Prowl gave him a not-so-gentle nudge and tapped his mate's sparkplates once indicating he wanted his lover to follow suit. The saboteur opened his sparkplates and the chamber itself. The space between them filled with the soft glowing light of their sparks. Prowl gazed at his bondmate's spark and smiled again. Suddenly, the dataflow between them ceased abruptly and he leaned forward looking hard at the spark below him. Jazz was so lost in the long denied pleasure that it took him a moment to gather his thoughts when Prowl stopped sending data pulses. "Prowler?" he asked in a haze, feeling shock through the other's field.

Prowl continued to look at the spark before him and then murmured, "What in the Pit is THAT?"

Through the comm link he screamed, /Ratchet!/


Ratchet was in the rec room enjoying some well-deserved energon. The twins had attempted to prank Wheeljack which had to be the dumbest thing they could do. The engineer was used to things exploding but the twins had made the mistake of using one of his detonation timers for their confetti bomb and it backfired on them. It would have been funny if Ratchet hadn't spent the better part of the day picking bits of confetti out of the most unlikely places.

The medic sat on the couch beside Hound who was watching another television show. This one was about human babies. It was interesting to watch but it made Ratchet very glad that Cybertronians had emerged from the Well of Sparks. There was no need to raise young; each bot had emerged and was immediately placed into a caste and a job. They had to have specialized training but every bot already knew how to walk, communicate, and consume fuel. The thing that saddened him greatly was that there would be no more Cybertronians. They were a dying race since the AllSpark had been lost to the stars.

His thoughts were interrupted by the frantic comm of the SIC.


Ratchet stared into Jazz's spark chamber trying to ignore the pacing of his mate on the other side of the medberth. When he had the saboteur open his sparkchamber he had been shocked at the growl from Prowl. The SIC was growling at him? He looked for another moment and then saw what had been the source of the Praxian's uncharacteristic agitation. Ratchet offlined his optics thinking they were glitched. There was a second spark in the sparkchamber. It was smaller and hovered close to Jazz's spark. He ran a few scans and recorded some data before he had Jazz close his chestplates not wanting to distress his mate longer than he had to. Prowl relaxed somewhat when the exposed spark and whatever it was beside it were again protected.

Ratchet leaned back against the medberth behind him and watched as Prowl gently helped Jazz to sit and protectively wrapped an arm around his mate before looking up at him. "What is happening?"

Ratchet remained silent and tried to put the pieces together. Sometimes a spark had emerged from the Well back on Cybertron and immediately split with the two halves each going into separate frames. That had been the case with Sunstreaker and Sideswipe. In those cases, each portion was the same size. What happened to Jazz was different. When a pair bonded like Prowl and Jazz did, a piece of each spark detached from each and filled the space in the other. Even when one member of bonded pair deactivated, the spark of the mate would remain whole even while it weakened from the breaking of the bond until the spark returned to the Well. There were never any cases of pieces simply breaking off. Even when a bot took spark damage, the spark itself would remain whole. This was completely beyond anything the medic had seen before. Then he thought of humans and it suddenly made sense but it simply was not possible. He checked the readings again.

"Ratchet?" Prowl pleaded.

The medic ignored the tactician and studied the data. The small object orbiting Jazz's spark had characteristics and signatures of both mechs but it was also different. He took a step back from the monitor and called Optimus.


"Ratchet, tell us what is going on," Prowl demanded. "We need to know what is wrong with Jazz."

The medic turned toward the door as it opened and the leader of the Autobots stepped inside. Ratchet promptly locked the doors which caused a growl from Prowl. This startled Optimus and he stopped his advance taking in the stance of the SIC protecting his mate.

"Ratchet?" Optimus questioned.

The red and white mech vented sharply. "I'm not sure how to explain this. You know how I haven't been able to explain the anomalies in Prowl's and Jazz's codes?"

Optimus nodded.

Ratchet hesitated because what he was about it say sounded insane. "Jazz has a tiny spark orbiting his own. As the humans would say, he is pregnant."

"WHAT?" shouted three voices in unison.


It had been chaos in the medbay for quite some time while Ratchet tried to calm the frantic bots. He was feeling glitched as well. Jazz had gone completely hysterical shouting at Prowl and calling him every unkind name known to Cybertron and he made some up as well. His mate stepped back under the verbal assault but when Optimus took a step closer to the saboteur, Prowl turned and attacked their leader and did some impressive damage before Ratchet was able to inject a sedative into him.

Optimus staggered under the attack. While the Praxian was smaller than himself, Prowl acted possessive and deranged. Once he was subdued, Jazz turned his tirade on the medic. Ratchet ignored him while he repaired the damage to Optimus. He then directed Optimus to a far corner of the room and began the task of calming Jazz. He made no progress until Prowl finally onlined again and the two of them huddled in a corner as far away from Optimus as possible.

Ratchet stood in the middle of his medbay where he could referee any further hostilities. Eyeing everyone warily, he began to speak. "It appears that at some point when Prowl and Jazz sparkmerged, they produced another spark. That spark resides in Jazz's sparkchamber and orbits his own. His change in behavior is consistent with what a human female begins to experience starting a few weeks after conception. The changes to his behavior subroutines registered as normal since nothing is technically wrong with him. Likewise, Prowl's systems must have detected the presence of the new spark and his subroutines took the attributes of a protective father."

Optimus interrupted at that point. "Ratchet, we are not human. This is hardly a normal process for a Cybertronian."

Ratchet sighed. "I know. However, we have been here on Earth for a long time." He raised a servo at the start of protest from everyone else in the room. "Remember, our ship crashed here a long time ago while we were all in stasis. I can't say how the planet has affected us."

Prowl, being ever logical stated, "This makes no sense Ratchet. Cybertronians do not reproduce. Sparks emerge from the Well." He said no more with the expression on his faceplates making it clear that there was no argument.

Ratchet did have a response though. "On this planet, life finds a way."

Optimus said nothing, lost in thought, feeling a flicker of hope for the future.
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