Perspective - Part 7

Jan 04, 2012 21:47

Title: Matter of Perspective (Chapter 7 - Reveal)
Author: sideswipe_tf
Verse: G1
Rating: PG
Characters: Ratchet, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe
Warnings: none

Two posts in one day! Make sure to read Part 6 before this one.

A/N: I thought I would challenge myself and try to tell a story about Ratchet and the twins through a series of drabbles. Each character has one drabble per chapter (three drabbles per chapter) and each chapter focuses on a specific idea or event. I am also sticking with the interpretation of exactly 100 words per drabble. Comments and suggestions are welcome.

(I do not own Transformers.)


Ratchet was nervous as he approached the twin's quarters. He knew that they planned to finally allow him to see the completed portrait. The door opened as he reached it where he was met by an anxious Sideswipe. The red twin pulled the medic into the room and had him stand before the covered canvas. Ratchet was aware of Sunstreaker shifting nervously off to one side. Without preamble Sideswipe removed the cover from the canvas revealing Sunstreaker's work. Ratchet knew that the golden twin was an accomplished artist but he was speechless as he stared at the image before him.


Sunstreaker watched from the side of the room as his brother brought Ratchet before the covered painting. He had worked hard and considered it his best work yet but a small part of him feared that the medic wouldn't like it. His spark lurched in its casing as Ratchet stared at the portrait for a long time. He kept his expression neutral when the medic finally turned to look at him. The word "amazing" caressed his audio sensor. Sunstreaker wasn't sure if the word was describing the artist or the art but it really didn't matter. He had Ratchet's approval.


Sideswipe felt his brother's tension through the twinbond and it mirrored his own. The tension turned into relief when Ratchet voiced his approval. He looked on with joy as the medic softly thanked his brother. He suddenly felt a burst of emotion through the bond. At first he was a bit confused by the intensity of what he felt from Sunstreaker. He quickly understood when Ratchet turned in his direction with a beautiful smile. He heard the medic thank him as well but all he could process was that smile. He would do anything to keep Ratchet smiling like that.
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