Friends Only.
This journal is, well, mainly a dormant journal at this time. I do still log on and check communities that I'm somewhat active in, but that's about it. At times, I'll post an entry about how my life is, but they're few and far between. If you're here for fandom related stuff, you're better off going to my
twitter and/or
tumblr. There you can find me crying and flailing over everything fandom, as well as anything random that may come to my mind. They're both public, so feel free to add me (I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know though, so I can return the favor!).
If you would still like to read my LJ though, leave a comment and let me know. :)
If you're here with questions or concerns about any communities I mod/co-mod, please check the userinfo of the community, it will tell you the best way of getting in touch with a mod.