A Temp Job Update...

Apr 22, 2009 07:28

Now I remember why I am doing this shitty government job...

I woke up this morning to find my first paycheck had been directly deposited into my bank account. The good thing is, It really came at a great time as I was down to $7 in my account. The bad thing is, it took 40 hours plus 4 hours overtime to make half of what I make for one hour onstage on a good road show. Such is life at the moment.

On another silver lining note of working this gig; I have been walking an average of just under 4 miles a day and, because of that, I have lost 18 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks. Now, according to the things I have read, for every 30-35 pounds a man loses, he gains an inch of visible penis. So look out people. Bennie has brand new, showroom fresh visible penis.

I'm just sayin...
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