An Update

Apr 10, 2009 15:58

For all those who have inquired, it is true. I have a day job.

Now before you wonder what the world has come to, let me explain. As some of you may recall from an earlier post, I recently applied for a temporary gig with the Census Bureau. I aced my test and after a few weeks, I got the call that I had the job. I had classroom and field training all week and I work my first day solo tomorrow. I will start my regular schedule on Monday. I will be working 40 hours a week, strolling through neighborhoods here in Sumner County, mapping addresses. It is our job to update the Census maps to ensure that every person in America gets their census form so they can be counted. The training has been interesting to say the least...

I was fingerprinted and had to take the oath of office. I am now sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States and to keep my fuckin mouth shut about anything I may learn during the course of my gig. Everything I record is protected under Title 13 and I can do serious jail time if I violate my oath. I feel like such a tool of the Man now. Actually, all the information I collect is confidential and will only be used for the Census Bureau. No other government department or agency will have access to this info and it is kept sealed for 72 years and, at that point, it will be released to the National Archives. The information taken in the 1930 census was just recently released to the Archives. The census is mandated by the Constitution and is used to determine how many congresspersons each state will have and to determine the amount of federal funds an area will recieve. Useful stuff.

I have been instructed to list every place in my area that looks like someone lives, or could live, there. That residence can be a house, a trailer, a prison, group home or, and my manual specifically states that if there is evidence of habitation, a cardboard box or a cave. It is very thorough...

So I am enjoying the gig so far. I figure it usually take 2 to 3 month for you to really grow to hate a job so, by the time I start hating it, it will be over and I will be let go. What's not to like about that. It is a 8 to 10 week appointment.

So if anyone needs me during the day, call my cell phone. I will be around the computer in the evenings.

...and don't forget to come see Anna and me at the Full Moon Tattoo and Horror Convention on April 24-26 at the Airport Marriott in Nashville. It is going to be a great weekend and Anna and I will be doing one 1 hour show per day. The showtimes are listed on my schedule on

See you soon and if you live in Sumner County, you may see me hanging out on your front porch...
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