Have been feeling a bit down about the whole laser removal thing as I don't think much has happened. I've had 3 treatments so far and they're both still really visible.
I hadn't really compared the now with the before, so I thought it was time to see if there really IS no difference or if I'm just imagining it.
First picture is before treatment started, second is as of today:
I'm amazed!! There's a really noticeable difference!!
Timeline wise, I have session #4 on Tuesday week, so by Christmas I will have had 7 treatments. They suggest it takes between 8 - 12 to remove them completely so by Christmas.... I could be nearly there!!
I'm hoping it doesn't go to the full 12 as that'll be May and I hope to be well on my way to Japan by then (unless I get onto JET then I've got til July).
Speaking of which, the application period for that starts soon. I've been emailing the JET office quite a bit to sort out just what I need to apply (as I don't have an actual degree). But I think it's all sorted, just waiting on CIMA now for something. So fingers crossed!
I feel a bit weird about it though. I mean, if I got on I would be really pleased naturally. It would be a career break, which isn't a bad thing but it would be a pay cut which again, is do-able if I knuckle down and pay off some credit cards before I go!! XD
But really, I want to get a "proper" job in Japan - something business orientated - supply chain, finance, projects - that kinda thing. Not just because of the money (but it would probably be Y2m more!!) but because it's what I enjoy. And of course, I'd like to ideally be in Tokyo #1 or Nagoya #2.
But who knows, if I am fortunate enough to get the JET gig then hey, I might change my outlook!!
Anyway, I have to apply and they have to accept me first which is the BIGGEST hurdle.
So plan of action here in is:
Sep: talk to boss, get references for JET, ask about transferring within company (<---- that would be IDEAL!! Keep benefits, salary, service history)
Oct: apply for JET
Dec: JLPT N3
Jan: hear from JET re interview, either way follow up re internal transfer
Feb: get JLPT results, update CV (hopefully!!!!) if no joy with internal transfer, start applying direct
If I get on, YEAY!! If I get positive feedback from direct applications then I have another decision to make...
But if I get on JET, that's a year minimum in JP that I can use to improve my Japanese up to business level, then whilst over there look for the "proper" job.
Short term plan - go to gym, go to cinema and watch possibly terrible Fright Night film, come home, study Japanese.
Actually, I might go into town to see if there's any good Japanese films out on DVD at the moment. All good revision XD Also, I've been wanting to watch Battle Royale recently and don't have it on DVD as it was a casualty of my divorce (he kept it!)
yosh.. GYM.