Feb 09, 2006 17:37
Today I followed my usual thursday routine. Wake up at 8:30, Relationships class at 9:30, Lunch and some video games until 2-D Design class at 12:30, and then work at the registrar's office from 2:00-5:00. I actually got a ton of homework to do over the weekend. In Relationships, "So I guess I'm giving you a full plate for this weekend. Well, a platter really." -Dr. McBrayer. And in 2-D Design, "We're behind in the syllabus so let's just go for the gusto and get caught up. You guys don't have anything else to do besides this class, right?" -Mr. Adams. It seems the office staff were impressed and appreciative of my hard work on tuesday finishing all the transcripts pre-emptively, so Jeanette asked me to do it again today. I guess that's what I get for being such a hard worker. But I don't mind. It kept me busy and I actually kind of enjoy doing transcripts.
So for some reason I'm in a really good mood right now. Beautiful weather and all smiles. Maybe all this work is making me feel more alive. I know that sounds crazy, but haven't you ever felt like you're not even existing -just going through the motions of living? Not that I needed the extra energy, but I saw Miss Emmie today and had a grande white mocha. Techno music also has a strong positive effect on my mood. Now I'm about to tackle some homework so I can go to Moe's tonight with Jenice. ^_^
For being happy, I am convinced that it is not the situation that puts you in a good mood, but rather it is a decision that comes from within. We have more internal energy than we think. Positive thinking is not a new-age or voodoo technique, but a survival tool humans have had all along. Yeah, but you know, sometimes positive thinking alone is not enough. Problems can arise that are greater than us, and positive thinking has its limitations. For Christians, this can be solved by putting trust in God. Come to think of it, before I went to sleep last night, I thanked God for a wonderful day and asked that tomorrow (today) be even better. ^_^ Thanks, God.