One thing I have learned while at Berry is that even when you have your day well-planned, it rarely turns out that way. This weekend, I expected to write my lab report paper for Biology on friday night, work on my Methods section for Research Meth & Stat on Saturday, and prepare my Special Occasion speech on Sunday. Let me fill you in on the status of my various homework assignments:
BIO - Fly crossing lab report
We are expected to type up a 3-4 page report on our semester lab project: crossing flies. Well, guess what? All the flies died. We have no data, but our teacher insists that we write the paper anyway. There were supposed to be 3 generations. We had 2, if you count the deceased. How are we supposed to write about procedures we didn't do and data we never collected? Our teacher has basically told us to falsify our data (for the second time this semester). Oh, yes. We're learning to be wonderful scientists. Here are the data she gave us: "n=77, Observed Wild 57, Observed Apt 20." That's it. That's all the data we have. WTF?! How do you analyze 3 numbers? This is only data for one of the generations. How can we describe the genotypes and phenotypes for 3 generations? I tend to think very logically. Giving me this scribble of data and expecting a lab report "does not compute." I can be a writer, a scientist, or a statistician, but I can't generate a report out of thin air. I find this assignment highly frustrating. Needless to say, the report was not written friday night. Instead, I leveled up my RO character and hung out with a bunch of people in my dorm. Hopefully the picture will load so you can see who was there. If not, all the pictures are on Facebook.
Methods Section
Clear cut guidelines and lots of information to present. It's a little overwhelming, but I'm getting it done.
Special Occasion Speech
Well, I'm not too worried about this one. It only has to be a minute or two. At least, that's what I remeber the assignment saying. The trouble is, I seem to have lost my assignment guide. This is very embarrassing and quite out of character for me. I'm not known to lose things. Anyway, I've looked everywhere. I guess it must have gotten thrown away. :( But I should be ok for the assignment regardless.
This busy weekend, the Berry email, Viking Web, and main servers are down. Should I be thankful I still have internet access? This totally sucks. How am I supposed to prepare for assignments, get in touch with classmates, ask my profs questions, and find necessary course material if the servers are down? Damn Berry and its lousy IT department. I bet other schools like Georgia Tech are laughing their butts off at our misfortune.