Oct 09, 2009 11:59
I realized today that I was too depressed that I was still in New York City to go do any of the myriad things it has to offer.
Except go to Fairway Grocery. Which is like--let's put it this way. If someone were to construct a religion that required me to at any time sacrifice my physical person through a violent explosion possibly resulting from a bomb shoved up my ass, the reward would HAVE to be Fairway. There could be some ladies there, too, but they wouldn't have to be virgins--I'm not choosy. ...just so long as they weren't the actual Fairway checkers, since they all seem sort of mean and uncommunicative, but then again that seems to be New Yorkers in general, so!
And I TRY, too. I've been turning up the smarm like CRAZY and no one gives a shit. I really intensely dislike this place.
So in total self-indulgence I decided to celebrate that I'm only here one day after today by buying all kinds of stuff that Fairway has that I've never seen in a grocery store before.
...although really, I think the only thing I got that was exceptional ended up being guava slices, but LORD are they delicious. Also, I got olives from the huge selection of olive bins they have. I don't think I truly appreciated salt until this year. So I had this excellent lunch of tomatoes and cucumber, salted, with olives, and then a bowl of oatmeal squares and some guava slices, and I'm not sure if it's so delicious because it's my I AM LEAVING luncheon, or if it is the unique balance of salty tempered by slight sweetness. Next, a celebratory fourth cup of coffee today. Usually I am not SO indulgent with my coffee, but I AM LEAVING. And Fairway does not sell champagne, after all.
In other news I am going to attempt NANOWRIMO again this year and I THINK I know what I'm going to do. You know, is it okay to just craft my own entire world, sort of Discworld style (I think it's Discworld-like at any rate--never actually read any of those [i should read more fantasy since it's what I like to write... i always think that but never do])? I for some reason find it really presumptuous of myself to even think of doing it. As though I'm not allowed to continue writing in one world until I--oh, I don't know--FINISH TUESDAY. Jesus. Not that it would be particularly relevant to the new story that it's the same theoretical world.
That's all I got. I remember having a really cool dream last night, but I can't remember it now.
And I'm going to go to Vermont on Sunday and I am going to see Jess and I am pleased as punch.