[pols, curr ev] One Cause for Hope

Nov 23, 2016 20:01

The one positive thought I've had in all this is that, in reviewing how Hitler did what he did, it's become clear to me that Trump (or more properly the grassroots fascist movement that put him at their head) moved prematurely - and looks like he will continue full steam ahead.

Hitler and his minions moved very, very carefully, and made changes very, very gradually. They knew that what they wanted to do was unacceptable - at first - to the German people. So they moved by slow degrees, sliding the Overton window open like burglars not wanting to wake the inhabitants. They were very strategic, making sure to take out groups of opponents one at a time so they wouldn't band together, making sure not to shock the whole populace and rouse it to anger.

Trump did exactly not that. Trump is coming to power in the face of the fury and terror of about half the American population.

Now, I'm not sure that's enough to make a difference. I'm not sure anybody knows. But it might be the edge we need.

pols, current events

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