[meteo, new media] Best argument to learn Celsius ever

Apr 01, 2016 20:01

Weather.com shut down their xhtml WAP site, and I went looking for a replacement for their hour-by-hour forecasts. Thus it was that I learned about yr.no, and "Meteograms", which are really lovely and lucid data visualizations of the forecast.

Example: http://www.yr.no/place/United_States/Massachusetts/Cambridge/hour_by_hour.html

The bad news for Americans is that it's in Celsius, but I decided this is reason enough to convert. (Cheat sheet: 0C=hat and mittens, 5C=coat, 10C=jacket, 15C=light sweater, 20C=short sleeves, 25C=sun hat, 30C=stillsuit.)

If they would just add a second "feels like" windchill line, it would be perfect.

meteo, new media

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