Oct 10, 2005 20:29
First snowfall of the year...I'm sure everyone in Denver who has a blog is writing about this. I can't decide whether or not I like it. It's beautiful outside and the coldness makes me think of Christmas for some reason but I can't stand snot dripping down my face and freezing and not being able to do anything about it because my hands are in my pockets in fear of getting frostbitten. Good times good times. School was...good. I'm really liking Euro. Today's activity was cool...although, isn't Borax the name of some sort of soap or something? Who knows...our group was on a role. Missy, I'm sorry you had to work with you know who.
Quote of the day:
"I should have been brave enough to just ask your name instead of screaming, "I cannot contain my lust". Now you probably think I'm a creep."