Mar 13, 2005 11:56
The concert ruled. There were three opening acts. I can't remember the name of the first band, but they were pretty cool. An alt/punk/poetry band from Philly. The next guy, P.O.S., was awesome. He only had an iPod from which to play his music, and his lyrics and style was dope. I met him after the show, and he signed a CD of his for me. A cool guy. The third group, Greyskull, was pretty decent as well. The non-white (asian or latin... it was hard to tell) guy ripped shit up, but the white guy wasn't terribly complex. There was definitely a reason why the non-white guy rapped more. Then Atmosphere came out and was just awesome. A really fantastic show, especially since I touched knuckles with Slug. Fun times were had by all, even the asshole who felt the need to mosh to jazz based hip-hop. It ended up being no biggie, since I don't believe anyone got hurt. The guy was an ass... but... oh well.
Yesterday, there was tons of snow, obviously. Troy and I went on mini-adventures. One was to get coffee and bagels at Coffee by Design, then we went into the porn shop (Video Expo). It doubles as a head shop as well, and, to be honest, I kind of wished that I had gone there instead of where I got my mini-steamroller. Not that I don't dig my bowl (still haven't come up with a name for it), but I paid probably $20 more for it than I should have. And the Expo had some nice, cheap bowls. I'm thinking once I come into a tad more money, that I'm going to pick one of the mushroom ones up. On the way back, a large chunk of ice fell from above, and was probably about 10 feet from hitting us. If we had left the five seconds earlier that Troy wanted to, one of us probably would have been in the hospital. Fortunately, I'm enamored by both bowls and porn. Also, we ended up going down to Video Port and renting some flicks. We watched Gozu last night, a strange Japanese movie that had a woman selling her breast milk in large quantities, a cow demon, a man turning into a woman, and a woman giving birth to a man. Yeah, the movie was really fucked up. I don't think that it helped that I was stoned throughout it. Yeah...
Finally, I've been working on a movie for a class that I'm in. Over the next three days, I'm going to be working pretty heavily on it. On Tuesday this week, we're having a showing of it with all the other projects in the class. The showing will be at 6pm, in Luther Bonney Auditorium on the USM Portland campus. Admission is free. I don't know if there will be a QnA section after each film has been shown, but I know that we will be talking about our piece a little. Unfortauntely, if you don't know where this is, I can't show it to you (although I could probably give directions), since I'll be in class beforehand. But I'd love it if people came, but I understand if you can't. Rides and schedules can be tough like that, and I'm springing this open at the last moment. Anyways, lemme know if you're coming or not. Hope to see you there.