As I sit here waiting for the new aeon to arrive (which will be either a great shift from Christ & Osiris to The Holy Ghosts & Horus, or one helluva 24-Hour World Party - both one and the same to me), I wanted to send notice that my LJ is now friends-only, given that (a) I'm a bit tired of dealing with the Eastern-Bloc spam generators and the unfunny jabs from the psuedo-Anonymous, and (b) my posts have and will have a more adult-oriented nature that may be a bit too explicit for Mrs. Grundy.
So if talk of real-life hairy homo hijinx doesn't scare you away, please feel free to stick around - just friend me and send me a note (I like receiving notes) that you'd like to join my LJ friends, and I'll be happy to friend you back . MUTUAL Friends only - as in real-life, friendship should not be a one-way street.
I'll leave a few posts here for the public on the rare now-and-again on other topics dear to me: office politics, fizzy drinks, ice cream, urban haunts, all things 70's, art, and cartoons of yesterday, and some of today too. You might even see some of my drawings. But you'd see a lot more
(in every sense of that phrase) by reading the LJ as a mutual friend.
Woofy hugs to all -
that SideBurnedBear
NYC, EndTimes