Jan 02, 2017 19:41
So it's 2017? The end of the year crept up on me and I'm still a little surprised when I see the date!
I've been a little quiet recently fandom-wise, generally because I've had some big changes RL-wise and well ... things have changed. I dropped out of a couple of fests and currently I'm not intending on signing up for any this coming year (although, After Camlann might tempt me). I really want to focus on the novel I'm writing and it's a mix of uni, life, sleep ... you get the picture!
I'm still definitely around for merlin_reverse and incredibly excited to be modding - it's going to be fantastic!! But my personal creation of fanworks is sort of on pause for the next while which is sad, but I need to get some things strightened out.
I've backed up my LJ on Deamwidth, where I'm currently posting and cross-posting. I'm not really sure what the whole server move thing means exactly, but better to be safe than sorry!
Otherwise, wishing you all a happy and wonderful new year!