Front 242 gets unexpected 32-tracks tribute from their label Alfa Matrix - listen to the first exclu

Nov 02, 2016 19:12

Read the full story at - #Acylum, #ADKey, #Aesthetische, #AlfaMatrix, #AlienVampires, #ArmageddonDildos, #AvariceInAudio, #Ayria, #CircuitoCerradoVsCLekktor, #CosmicArmchair, #Diffuzion, #Elektroklänge, #Elm, #EssenceOfMind, #Front242, #HelalynFlowers, #Imjudas, #Implant, #KantKino, #KomorKommando, #Llumen, #Metroland, #NeikkaRpm, #Növö, #PlasticNoiseExperience, #Regenerator, #Schwarzblut, #SinSin, #StarIndustry, #Technoir, #ThePsychicForce, #TotemObscura, #VenalFleshFeatChaseDobson, #XmH

front 242, llumen, helalyn flowers, ad:key, Növö, acylum, Elektroklänge, totem obscura, elm, diffuzion, essence of mind, schwarzblut, armageddon dildos, kant kino, avarice in audio, metroland, ayria, alfa matrix, star industry, implant, plastic noise experience

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