Didn't sleep well. My neighbor is very loud right now.
Chores today. I did something I've wanted to do for a long time, joined a
Community Supported Agriculture group, or CSA. I've wanted to eat less meat for a while now, and I've wanted to eat better meat. I'm lucky, I make a good living. (Least, for now.) So, I don't mind paying a little bit more. I looked into doing one for produce, but, I'll admit it, as embarrassing as it is, I just don't eat that much produce and I don't want it to go to waste. The CSA I picked delivers once a month to a place near here where I go pick it up. It includes fresh eggs too. Going to try it for three months and see how it goes. There are a bunch of really good farmer's markets near me normally, and when life gets somewhat back to normal, I'll try and be better about sourcing more food from there.
Did some prep-work for next week. Not a lot, but a little. I'm getting paid for a full day of prep tomorrow, so, that's all I'm doing today.
I still need to call my Mom. Easter is her favorite holiday. She goes to church every Sunday, and I know this whole stay at home thing is not easy for her in that regard. It was about the only social interaction she got durning a week. After the call I need to clean up myself and the place.
Went for a long walk yesterday. It was nice. Surreal, but nice. I'm determined to get the back out after this week of work.
I'm hoping to have some decompression time later. Watch some Noir on Criterion maybe?
I miss going to the used bookstores. I bought some books this morning on-line.