Title: Carpe Noctem Pairing/Group: Die/kyo, Die/Kyo/kaoru & Die/Kaoru Rating: NC17 Warnings: Yaoi, Angst, Bloodplay Summary: Die is sent on suicide watch for Kyo. Spending a night with the smaller man to hear what he has on his mind. But hears more then he ever thought he would. Notes N/A
Glad to hear that you liked it :) And even if there hasn't been any continuation written, I can speak for Kyo that he didn't do something stupid. Also, sorry for my late reply as I've been out of the country *bows*
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And even if there hasn't been any continuation written, I can speak for Kyo that he didn't do something stupid.
Also, sorry for my late reply as I've been out of the country *bows*
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