
Dec 09, 2010 20:23

Title -  Aversion
Author - sid_vicious_03 
Rating -  This part pg13
Pairings - Eames/Arthur
Word count - 2 973
Warnings - Occasional swearword, fluff
Disclaimers - I don’t own Inception or any of the characters, sadly, but i do own the story.
Notes -  Again, what is wrong with me, fanfic without porn, gha

Summary -      Arthur has a really bad day and it seemed like nothing else could make it worse. But once he gets home, he finds out that Eames has adopted a puppy without consulting him. Arthur of course isn't happy about it, but it doesn't make it easier that Eames refuses to give the puppy up.


The day had been far too long and far too hard in order to have Arthur return back to his apartment in an even slightly cheerful mood.

To begin with, he had run out of his favorite jam while making his breakfast this morning, so he had to settle with cheese that didn’t taste nearly as good as the strawberry jam. When he wanted to leave for his job, he realized that Eames had stolen his umbrella and the water was pouring down from the sky. It had taken him a good fifteen minutes in the rain to get a cab who then ended up in the traffic stocking, the result of that was that he had to pay fifteen dollars more than usual to the driver.

The architect he worked with on the job was acting like a small child and spent the entire day building a tower with empty cartons to cookies that he had collected himself of the week. Tipping the tower twice over Arthur as he was working, accidently of course so Arthur had to bite down hard on the inside of his cheek to keep his calm. On his way back home Arthur had stopped by several grocery stores and none of them sold the jam he was looking for, and of course his own store was already closed for the evening. And on the last five minutes back to the apartment, it started pouring water out of the sky again so he got soaked once more.

So when Arthur had put the key into the lock of the door, he already had a list in his mind of things that would make his bad mood vanish and make him remotely happy for the evening. One of them was dinner already being done so he wouldn’t have to think about it anymore. Another version of it was Eames making dinner, for some reason he had always liked watching Eames cook, not sexually however. It had relaxed him.

A close second to that was his favorite bottle of scotch on the table with a glass right next to it. So the first thing he could do once inside was pour himself a drink and just relax for five minutes. Hopefully without anything disturbing him, because if he got disturbed, the whole effect of it all would fall into ruins.

Third on the list was Eames, already stripped of his clothes and ready for sex as soon as Arthur got into the room. And they would get at it directly, roughly and craving. It would more be a hunt for the pleasure of an orgasm then the whole intimate act that it would be for most couples. Not a chase for pleasure but just the fact of doing it together that would matter.

A fourth, was also a long hot shower to wake up his frozen limbs from all the rain he had gotten poured all over himself. He didn’t dry up at work since the extractor constantly had the air-condition on, so his shirt had remained wet and Arthur had ended up shivering through the work day. So after almost having frozen to death at several points of the day a hot shower sounded very temping. Heck, he could even make it a bath.

The thing that was most definitely not on Arthur’s list, was the sight of a puppy, chewing, on his favorite pair of shoes. The worst part about it all, was actually not that it was his favorite pair of shoes from a really expensive brand that he had bought in Italy, but was that the puppy chewed on them like it was not a big deal. He even looked distracted from it all as if he had tons of other much better things to do then chew on Arthur’s shoes, so why do it?

Arthur let out a scream at the sight and dropped his bag on the floor with a loud thud, which made the puppy stop the chewing and flinch back at his sudden appearance. Laying down on his stomach with his head between his paws, looking at Arthur with his black eyes in the brown fur.

Eames soon popped his head out from the kitchen, looking to Arthur with a surprised gaze. ‘’What? Did you break something?’’ he asked, and in to the picture came a spoon with some form of chocolate cream on it that surely would become a cake and licked it off. Which really didn’t help Arthur’s mood even more before Eames disappeared into the kitchen again.

‘’What is that mutt doing here! Chewing on my shoes! Eames! Are you the blame for this!?’’ Arthur started out, first just speaking loudly but then ended up screaming as he kneeled down and looked at the shoes to check it’s damage. It wasn’t much, but enough to ruin the entire worth of the shoes.

‘’Isn’t he cute?’’ Eames called out from the kitchen and then came back out to the hallway minus the spoon. ‘’I picked him up in an alley on the way back home, Poor fella. He was all alone.’’ Eames said and moved over to the puppy and picked him up, and of course the damn mutt had to start lickig him on his cheek directly, clawing it’s way closer. ‘’You always tell me to do humanity a favor, so now I did, I rescued a puppy.’’

Arthur looked up from the floor and glared to Eames, still holding the shoes. ‘’When I say that, I mean get the fuck out of my face, make me some coffee, stop trying to get into my pants, make me some dinner. Not adopt a puppy that chews on my favorite pair of shoes.’’ Arthur growled to him and threw the shoes against a wall before standing up. ‘’I don’t want a dog in my apartment, get rid of it.’’

‘’Our apartment.’’ Eames countered with and kissed Arthur on his temple. ‘’Why are you so grumpy today?’’ But Eames didn’t get an answer to that question.

‘’I don’t care Eames, get rid of it.’’ Arthur said and passed by Eames, dropping his soaked coat on the floor. The glass, or rather bottle of scotch seemed far too tempting now, he just wanted to empty the bottle at sight.

‘’Look at the time Arthur!’’ Eames called after him, a bit louder so Arthur definitely would hear him. ‘’It’s ten in the evening, what do you want me to do about Buzz? I can’t just drop him out on the street again now can I? He’s obviously too young or that.’’ Eames said, now talking on a normal tone and moved to the living room where he watched Arthur pour himself a drink.

‘’Buzz? Buzz! You named it? Christ Eames.’’ Arthur said and moved to pour himself a glass of scotch now, just missing Eames smirk as he poured a triple into the glass he held. ‘’You get attached to animals if you give them names.’’ Arthur drank some of the scotch and looked to Eames. ‘’Just put it down so I can hug you, I really need a hug now and I don’t want him to lick me in my face.’’

Eames smirked a little bit and put the puppy on the wooden floor, then pulled Arthur in a hug and stroked his back. Arthur rested his head against Eames shoulder and closed his eyes, allowing his body to relax for the first time of the day. ‘’It can stay for the night, but tomorrow you find a solution for the mutt, he’s not staying. And you are staying on the couch with it for just thinking of inviting him into my apartment. Yes Eames, my apartment, I’m paying for it.’’

Eames had just laughed and kissed Arthur on his head, saying that he promised to do that. But when the evening came, Eames beat him to it that evening and slept in the bed with Buzz, and Arthur had to stay on the couch to make his point clear.


The next morning Arthur woke up with a feeling that his head was twice its original size but yet the feeling was nowhere near the hangover feeling he had expected. His nose was running as if he had a cold which wouldn’t be a wonder considering the freezing with wet clothes he had done yesterday and his body was incredibly sore. But yet he didn’t feel sick, horrible yes, but not sick.

It wasn’t until he had managed to drag himself into the bathroom and looked himself in the mirror that he noticed his eyes. Red and glossy. He sighed a bit and closed his eyes, taking a minute to relax and calm down before he started brushing his teeth.

Arthur pulled himself out to the kitchen just some minutes later and sank down by the kitchen table, leaning his head into his hands and kept his eyes closed. Trying to block out all of the sounds that Eames was making, rumbling in the kitchen and that damn dog that was barking just to get his attention, then Eames noticed Arthur.

‘’Christ darling, I never said you had to sleep outside.’’ He said, shocked at the sight of Arthur and picked up the puppy so he would shut up and moved to sit down next to him, stroking one hand lightly over his back.

‘’I stayed on the couch Eames.’’ Arthur said and opened his eyes to look at Eames, but quickly closed them again since he had to sneeze, leaving his nose with a lovable itch after words. ‘’I think I’m allergic to that damn mutt of yours. That’s reason alone to get rid of it.’’ Arthur said and looked around in the kitchen, then helped himself to some coffee. But unfortunately Eames snickered and shook his head.

‘’Won’t happen Arthur, I won’t give up.’’ He told and kissed Arthur on his head, then looked to Buzz and gave him a kiss on his head. ‘’Right?’’ Eames asked and ruffled the puppy’s fur.

Arthur just rolled his eyes and drank of his coffee. The mutt would be out of his apartment by the evening, he would make sure to that.


‘’Dom please tell me you are interested in adopting a puppy?’’ Arthur said, bringing his pen up to his lips to chew on it. He felt a little bit better now that he had changed into fresh clothes that hadn’t been rolling all night in dog hair. Which he had found out had been Buzz’s favorite game yesterday, and it just happened to be the couch Arthur slept in. The itching nose was still there and he would quite often sneeze, and he could live with that for now, he was more interested in Dom’s reaction, but all he really did was laugh.

‘’Arthur, I raise two kids on my own. When would I have time to watch a dog on top of it? And a puppy even, they need more attention to.’’ Dom told Arthur then, which made him sigh a bit. ‘’You should know all of that before asking.’’ Arthur bit his lip, he knew Dom would say that, but he was desperate.

‘’Dom please, Eames brought home this mutt and refuses to get rid of it even if I clearly have an allergy.’’ Arthur whined. He had never in his entire career whined or begged, not for work and even less for personal reasons to Dom. But he couldn’t help it, now he just needed his help. But Dom seemed to think about it just like Eames and saw the whole thing with hilarity since he just laughed it all off.

‘’Sorry Arthur, I can’t help you even if you have an allergy, and I can’t be a temporarily solution either. Because James and Phillipa wouldn’t want to give up the dog once we would have found a place for it.’’ Dom said, Arthur just sighed and nodded some.

‘’Yeah, you are right, I’m sorry I bothered you.’’ Arthur said, feeling the familiar itch in his nose and quickly hung up so Dom wouldn’t hear him sneeze. And just as he sneezed Eames walked by him, rattling with a plastic bag and tossed a small package onto his desk.

‘’For you darling.’’ Eames said, winked to Arthur and then carried the rest of the groceries into the kitchen. Arthur sighed and leaned back into his chair, then checked the small package, frowning when he saw what it was.

‘’Allergy pills, really?’’ Arthur yelled out, only to hear Eames burst out in laugher in the kitchen,

‘’Told you I wouldn’t give up.’’ Eames called back from the kitchen. Arthur growled to himself and rolled his eyes, then sneezed again before he looked at the small carton box.

‘’Christ.’’ Arthur murmured under his breath and opened he small carton box to take one of the pills.


‘’Eames just let me into the bedroom. Please, I’m sick and tired of sleeping on the couch, want to sleep with you. Can you put down that mutt so we can talk about it?’’ Arthur tried, banging his forehead to the wooden door lightly as if it would help him keep more sane then he felt at the moment.

‘’He has a name!’’ Eames yelled from behind the doo which made Arthur sigh and stop the banging against the door.

‘’Can you put down Buzz so we can talk about it?’’ Arthur tried again, just listening to silence for a couple of seconds until he heard Eames move around. So he stood straight up so he directly could look Eames in his eyes when he opened the door.

‘’Please Eames, I don’t want to argue with you, I miss you but I can’t help having an allergy. And honestly, those pills weren’t watertight.’’ Arthur said, sounding rather tired as he spoke.

‘’You wanted to get rid of him before you even knew of the allergy.’’ Eames said, crossing his arms over his chest.

‘’Eames, I was tired, I had the hardest day you could ever imagine, the last thing I needed was a dog chewing on my shoes.’’

‘’He was barely teething Arthur, it couldn’t have been that much damage anyway.’’ Eames said and shrugged lightly.

‘’I didn’t know that then.’’ Arthur said, working really hard on staying calm. ‘’But really Eames. Who would take care of it? Who would walk it, what are we going to do when we have to go abroad for work?’’ Arthur said, Eames remained silent so he continued. ‘’What if we get caught during a job and have to flee Eames?’’ Arthur asked, seeing Eames look down which proved that he hadn’t thought of that at all.

‘’Well there is nothing that say’s we can’t fix all of that.’’ Eames started and looked Arthur in his eyes. ‘’And I’ve been taking care of it every day since I took him in last week now did I? Cobb can take care of him then. He’s retired. And it would be the same if we got wanted, once we get settled Cobb could fly him over.’’ Arthur shook his head before he looked back to Eames, smiling weakly.

‘’You really want to keep this dog do you?’’ Arthur asked and watched Eames nod.

‘’Arthur, I am a dog person, I have always had a dog around me since birth, the only years I didn’t have that are the last two years because we’ve been dating.’’ Eames stated, making Arthur frown.

‘’So you are using me as a replacement, for a dog?’’ Arthur asked which made Eames laugh and hug Arthur again.

‘’Maybe I am.’’ Eames said and kissed Arthur on his head, feeling the thinner man hug him in return.

‘’One thing though.’’ Arthur said, having Eames hum as an answer. ‘’The dog doesn’t enter the bedroom at all cost, it’s a dog free zone´, just like it stays out of the couch. And If you’ve been cuddling with it during the day then you strip and shower first. I don’t want to sneeze during sex.’’ Arthur claimed, just to hear Eames laugh from it all.

‘’I’ll make sure he doesn’t set a paw in the living room.’’ Eames promised, kissing him once more on his head.

‘’And he definitely is yours to take care of in the mornings.’’ Arthur added before Eames moment of just agreeing with him would pass. Eames snickered again.

‘’Consider it done.’’ Eames said, but Arthur wasn’t done.

‘’And you are not coming near me until we’ve got proper pills alright?’’ Arthur said, Eames smirked and nodded, leaning closer to give him a kiss. But Arthur just leaned back from it and raised his hand.

‘’Don’t kiss me, I’ll sneeze any second now, change your shirt and kick the dog out of the bedroom to, change the sheets and everything, remember, dog free zone.’’ Arthur said, and the second after that Arthur sneezed again,

‘’As you wish.’’ Eames said and ruffled Arthur’s hair before he slid back into the bedroom, just to hear Arthur sneeze again a few seconds later and curse to god for it.


Cobb had nearly laughed his ass of when he found out that Arthur had given in to Eames and was now constantly taking allergy pills to stand with Eames new pet. And once he had gotten them, it only took him one night to bond with Buzz.

Eames had smiled when he saw the sleeping Arthur on the couch with a sleeping Buzz on his chest and taken their camera to take a picture of them. He had gotten it developed in secret, planning on keeping it for himself but realized he couldn’t. So he had framed it and put it on Arthur’s desk.

The day after, he only heard Arthur laughing from his office.


That was the end of this one, hope you all enjoyed it! Thanks for reading everyone :3
And comments are always very appreciated


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