
Nov 13, 2010 01:38

Title -  Addiction
Author - sid_vicious_03 
Rating -  NC17
Pairings - Eames/Arthur
Word count - 2 276
Warnings - hand/blowjob
Disclaimers - I don’t own Inception or any of the characters, sadly, but i do own the story.
Notes - No sex, i wrote porn without sex, am i sick? O.o And its a pretty early Christmas fic but... i kind of liked it to much to save. Christmas is just a minor episode here.

Summary -      Arthur hates Christmas, and each year he struggles to find gifts for people. But this year he feels the need to prove to Eames that he really does have imagination. And when he thinks he's found the perfect gift, he has no idea how wrong he really is.


It was no mystery that Arthur wasn’t fond of Christmas and everything that came along with it. And he had his reasons for hating all the happy songs, the family gatherings, the humongous amount of food that just got thrown away, the cold, the snow, the same stories being repeated and yet everybody would listen as if it was the first time they heard them. The lonely feeling that he would have in his gut when he went to bed at night, Santa Claus that impossibly fit down a chimney and everybody knew he couldn’t fit but yet they would say it was possible. But the most dreaded thing of Christmas, was the gifts.

Arthur hated presents more than anything because he didn’t have the right imagination for it. And even if he loved denying it from Eames, he knew it was true. And just because that he felt like he needed to find just the perfect gift for him but Arthur was slowly losing hope.

He had walked past every store he could find in New York for the last four hours. But he hadn’t managed to find something in the rush where he just could look at and think, ‘this would be something Eames would like’

And Arthur’s mood was only sinking down deeper since it had started to snow and it ruined his hair. Then there was also the fact that they would fly over to Dom in the morning so Arthur was having the stressed feeling in his chest that resembled something close to panic. How was it possible that a Point man would have this much difficulties finding Christmas gifts, for his lover on top of it, if he didn’t find anything he could even get him sex toys for Christ’s sake. Just Dom wouldn’t appreciate that when Eames would open the package and his kids would still be around...

Arthur gave a heavy sigh and decided to call it a day, he gave up. he was beaten to the ground by the stores of New York, he was cold, he longed for some coffee and some warm food, he didn’t want to do anything else but spend the rest of the evening in his couch and read that book he had gotten himself some weeks ago. And he would do anything to keep Eames hands of his body.

Just as he turned around Arthur noticed a sign at the other side of the street, and it felt like being struck by a lightning and if he could, he would kiss himself and call him a genius. So as quick as possible, Arthur hurried over the street and entered the store just to purchase Eames Christmas present.

‘’Merry Christmas.’’ Arthur said bitterly and handed over the package to Eames, although he much rather would throw it into that grinning face of his. And of course, Eames just had to wear one of those Santa Clause hats from the beginning to end. While Ariadne, Yusuf, James and Phillipa loved it, Dom just rolled his eyes, Arthur wanted to do nothing else but to rip it of his head to light it on fire. If it wasn’t for James and Phillipa being there, then he would have done it.

Arthur could literally feel how everybody’s eyes where burning holes into his body now, probably because they had a hard time to grasp the fact that Arthur actually had a give to give. That would just seem wrong in their minds. And he loved and hated that thought.

‘‘You got me a gift? Wow Darling.’’ Eames said, clearly chocked but took the box and didn’t drop it. However he still kept his gaze on Arthur as if he wanted an explanation which just made him sigh.

‘’I don’t want to be called a Grinch for the rest of the holidays like last year.’’ Arthur said simply and shrugged some before he drank some of his scotch. Eames just laughed and moved his focus over to the wrapping on the paper. Arthur couldn’t help but sink deeper down into the couch, wanting to disappear and suddenly feeling nervous, what if it wasn’t the perfect gift?

When all the paper got removed from the gift, Eames just stared at the package, just like everybody else in the room. Then he looked to Arthur. ‘’A video game console, really?’’ He asked, looking down to the PSP box again. Arthur tried to raise his shoulders casually.

‘’I needed a present for a child so I got a present for a child.’’ Arthur said, and much to his surprise, Dom grinned and Yusuf worked hard on biting back a snicker together with Ariadne.

‘’Well, to play this you need games darling.’’ Eames said, smiling to Arthur and put the box down in front of him before he pulled Phillipa back to his lap.

‘’Are you underestimating me Mr. Eames? There are three games in the bedroom.’’ Arthur said, giving his smug smirk in return and roughly tried to ignore James begging if Dom would buy him one to.

‘’Come on darling, pay attention to me.’’ Eames whined and stroked his hand over Arthurs chest, slowly. Plane flights where boring, Eames didn’t need to say much more to that.

‘’No Eames, I’m going to sleep because a certain someone kept me up all night, do something else.’’ Arthur said and pushed Eames hand away, which made him growl some.

‘’Like what? We are on a 3 hour flight and you are refusing to join the mile high club.’’ Eames whined and tried to press his lips in Arthur’s neck, but he just growled and moved away before he gave Eames a threatening glare.

‘’Last time we tried to join the mile high club we ended up banned from the flight company remember that Eames? I don’t want that to happen again. Play with your game or something, but leave me alone.’’ Arthur said and closed his eyes again, shifted in his seat and crossed his arms over his chest. Eames opened up his mouth to speak but even without his vision, Arthur knew when to beat Eames to it.

‘’I charged the PSP and put it in your bag with the games, Don’t think I don’t know you Eames.’’ Arthur said and worked hard to keep his smirk back as he was sure that Eames was grinning.

Eames leaned over to Arthur and kissed him on his cheek before he pulled his bag up to his lap and opened it, finding the games and picked the one that seemed the most interesting.

Three days had gone by since that flight and Eames had already managed to beat two out of three games. Arthur Didn’t mind, suddenly he got a lot more work done again now he didn’t have Eames hands all over his body. The only thing that still annoyed him was the sounds the console made.

He already heard the sounds of gunfire, explosions and people screaming when they went down under, he didn’t need to hear it in the back of his head with Eames maniac giggle to it. It gave Arthur a headache.

‘’Eames! Just shut that thing of and come to bed!’’ Arthur yelled as he sat up in the bed. It was half past two in the morning and Eames was still playing that game in the living room while Arthur just wanted him here. It had been lonely to fall asleep on his own in his bed that was meant for both him and Eames.

‘’In a minute!’’ Eames called back, Arthur just growled to that. It didn’t take long for Arthur to understand that when it came to video games, one minute was at least ten minutes.

‘’Just shut it off and come to bed!’’ Arthur threatened with, not realizing his hands where clenching at the bed sheets.

‘’But I have to save first.’’ Eames whined as an argument.

‘’No you don’t! Just shut it off and tomorrow when you start the game again, then you’ll be at the exact same spot.’’ Arthur said tiredly and rubbed his eyes, he didn’t want to argue about this any longer, he just wanted to sleep and he wanted Eames to put his arms around him.

‘’And how do you know that?’’ Eames countered with, seemingly still not moving from the couch.

‘’I read the manual.’’ Arthur said annoyed. ‘’Listen Eames, if you aren’t in bed in five minutes because you are still playing, then you can stay the night on that god damned couch.’’ Arthur said as he laid down in the bed.

Eames slept on the couch that night and Arthur didn’t sleep at all.

After New Year, Eames had gotten himself a few new games to play on the PSP. And Arthur realized that he missed the touch and attention of his boyfriend, he even missed the moments that had annoyed him so much. And nothing worked to get back Eames attention back to him. He had tried making Eames favorite dinner, but he barely noticed.

But what Arthur really wanted, was sex. And when Arthur had set his mind on getting sex, then he damn well would make sure that he got sex, it was partly a reason why he even had agreed to date Eames in the beginning. He would confess it even, it was all about the sex in the beginning, then he actually got feelings for the forger.

‘’Eames?’’ Arthur hummed and moved over to him, kissing the skin in his neck and slid his arms around Eames waist as he pressed his body up against his back. He wore nothing more than a nearly unbuttoned shirt and his boxers. He knew Eames loved that, otherwise he wouldn’t constantly try to distract Arthur in the mornings when he made breakfast.

‘’Mm?’’ Eames murmured, still keeping his damn gaze down to that damn video console. Arthur moved a bit closer and stood up on his toes so he could nipp at the skin in Eames neck, also seeing that the game was all about climbing some sort of building until he reached a platform when a small clip started, that’s when Arthur lost his interest.

‘’Come to bed with me?’’ Arthur purred into Eames ear, still standing on his toes to reach. He moved his hands from Eames waist to his pants, opening them and slowly pulling down the zipper, letting his hand slide inside where he found Eames cock, teasing him just the way he knew Eames liked it.

And Eames did like it, he gasped slightly and Arthur could feel his entire body tense together, a very small blush crept up on his cheeks, which meant that Arthur was doing it just right. ‘’Can’t, I have a boss to beat right now.’’ Eames said, Arthur just smirked a bit.

‘’Please?’’ Arthur said, dragged out on the word and pouted some, also starting to stroke Eames cock which had him whimper and now clench at his game, but still not letting go. Eames stubbornly shook his head, the blush still there. And to be honest, Arthur was surprised Eames was still fighting against him. But he didn’t lose hope so he shifted from behind Eames to settling himself on the floor in front of him.

He tugged the shirt out of Arthur’s way and kissed Eames on his stomach, working on pulling down his pants a bit as well before he continued stroking his cock which was already getting harder. He took him out of his pants and glanced up to Eames, still stroking him and licked his lips. Arthur knew Eames had seen that, it was Eames, he wouldn’t miss it for anything in the world.

Arthur slowly moved his tongue between his lips, keeping his gaze on Eames and let his tongue trail Eames cock from the base to its tip. Smirking when he saw how Eames shivered and clenched at the game again, but still tried to keep his focus and the blush had gotten a lot deeper.

Arthur smirked a bit and kept going with that, repeating the very same movement but from different start spots which had Eames shiver even more, it had him groan and moan, even close his eyes for some seconds.

Then Arthur took Eames in his mouth which had Eames murmur out a god. And if Arthur wouldn’t be busy right now, he would have grinned like an idiot. But Arthur kept his calm and continued with the blowjob, changing techniques every now and then just to keep it all off, and in the end Eames did move his hand into his hair.

Just to make him stop the blowjob and force him into a kiss, that’s when Arthur noticed that the blush now was deeply crescent. ‘’You are such a tease darling.’’ Eames murmured when their kiss broke, but that didn’t mean that their lips where more than an inch from one another.

‘’Come to bed with me?’’ Arthur once more said, smirking.

The next morning, Eames let Arthur try out the PSP so he could see what was so special about it. Arthur had just snickered and settled himself comfortable against Eames arm while he fixed up a new game for him to stay.

And after about ten minutes of playing, Arthur shamefully admitted that it actually was fun to play. Eames had just laughed at that comment and kissed Arthur on his head before he let Arthur continue with the game. He spent the next four hours in bed working as Arthur’s pillow and let him play, that’s when Eames got bored.

Comments are appreciated as always :3


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