bowling rules

Dec 28, 2003 23:32

Hey. It's that time again. Time to update.

I went to berkely with Devin, Trisha, and her friend Megan. It was toooo fun. We looked around the stores and took some pictures which would explain my new icon. We bumped tunes all the way there and back AND hit up a bottle of sparkling apple cider like the pimps we are. I bought a sick new wallet. I have to get some new cds. I just bought the Justin Timberlake cd tonight though. It's amazing of course.

Work has been pretty poopie lately. I've been working 8 hour days and gettin real tired. It's all good though. I have real easy hours all this next week.

Tonight I had planned to go to the movies with Renee and her friend Lucy but it was sold out, so we just walked around some stores and got something to eat at Taxi's. Chili cheese fries drenched in ketchup. mmmmmmmm thanks Trisha for your genius idea. Ketchup girls....

So we went into Barnes and Noble and i looked around for Mere Christianity. I've heard good things. They didn't have it so I shot up the place and stabbed little kids with my eyeliner.

I purchased my Justin Timberlake CD at Best Buy. I'm enjoying it right now.

Renee is a cool girl. Her friend Lucy is pretty nice too.

After they left, i sat in Starbucks for about a half hour playing the only game on my cell phone. BRICK ATTACK! I owned that game so hard that smoke was emitting out of the hole where my aentenna used to be. My phone is so ghetto. I love it.

So I got picked up by Lauren, Alie, and Kyle and we went and hit up the bowling alie. I didn't beat my high score again. Those gangstas are so fun. I love them all very much so. Alie and I exchanged Christmas gifts. She got me a SPIDERMAN LUNCHBOX FILLED WITH DUNKAROOS AND A 10 DOLLAR GIFT CARD TO STARBUCKS! *alie receives the golden award for best gift for fat mexicans

God bless...
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