Title: Was It A Dream?
sictransitsuzyPairing: Pete/Mikey (Fall Out Boy/My Chemical Romance)
Word Count: 855
Rating: PG 13
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
When Mikey first met Pete at Warped Tour in 2005, he had a feeling that Pete was the boy he would fall in love with. They were never formally introduced but Pete needed no introduction. He was Peter fucking Wentz and Mikey was dying to meet him. Mikey came into Fall Out Boy’s tent one sizzling summer day in Nevada to look for his brother and spotted him in the far end conversing with Pete. Pete was laughing and he looked happy. Mikey felt a small pang of jealousy. Gerard was always making people laugh, a talent that Mikey lacked. Then Pete looked over with his electric brown eyes and they met Mikey’s for a split second before Gerard turned around and beckoned him over. But Mikey just shook his head and put on a fake smile before returning to his bunk to replay in his head what had just happened. He had already memorized the face of the boy that had rendered him speechless with just one smile. And Mikey couldn’t get him off his mind for the rest of the day.
The next day, Pete came over to Mikey behind My Chemical Romance’s merch booth. It was no surprise and Mikey was so glad that he did so because Mikey was far too shy to be the first to approach someone. He said, “Hi, I’m Pete. I don’t think we’ve met.” And Mikey was so dumbfounded that all he could manage was a weak “Mikey.” Then Pete said “Hi Mikey, I’m a big fan of your band. I think we’d make good friends.” and he held out his hand. Mikey wiped his hand on his jeans and awkwardly placed his hand in Pete’s. Pete gripped it tightly, but not too tightly, and Mikey never wanted to let go even though they were both covered in sweat. “Nice shirt by the way.” Pete said. Mikey looked down and realized that he was wearing his Clandestine sunrise hoodie. “Oh..I..well...” Mikey tried, but Pete just laughed and said, “Don’t trip. It looks good on you.” And Mikey’s knees tingled and he wanted so badly for Pete to laugh again because 1) it sounded like music to his ears, 2) he looked great doing it and 3) Mikey had never made anyone laugh that way before, except Gerard who didn’t count because he was his brother and he thought everything was funny. Then Pete grinned cheekily and said “Well, I’ll catch ya later.” and swiftly made his way through the crowd and out of view.
Later that afternoon, Mikey could not concentrate during his 4:00 set. His eyes wandered around the entire crowd to see if maybe, just maybe Pete had come to watch him but his heart sank when the last song ended and still Pete was nowhere to be seen. Then he turned around to walk offstage and there he was with the biggest fucking grin on his face. “Hey Mikes. You were phenomenal. Can I call you that?” And how could Mikey refuse? “Sure. Thanks.” he replied and smiled shyly. Then Pete asked, “Hey, do you want to go catch Avenged Sevenfold’s set?” And Mikey handed his bass to the roadie and replied confidently for the first time ever, “I’d love to.”
Pete and Mikey stood in the furthest corner of A7x’s stage as to not attract attention. It was somewhat dark and Mikey wanted so bad for Pete to just close the six inch gap between them already. Pete must have been reading his mind because all of the sudden, he put his mouth next to Mikey’s ear and Mikey felt shivers crawl up his bare arms as Pete whispered “Come closer. You can see better from here.” Then he felt Pete’s hand rest gently on his lower back as Mikey stepped closer to Pete. Then Pete slipped his hand from Mikey’s back and around his waist and kept it there for the rest of the set.
By seven o’clock, Mikey decided that he had a crush on Pete and that he would give anything if only the evening would never end. He felt freer with Pete than he ever did with his own bandmates and he had only known him for a day or less. As the sky was turning orange, they sat with their feet dangling off a high ledge in the parking lot of a 7-11 after the owner had kicked them out for making a mess at the slurpee machine and nearly overfilling the tray under the nacho cheese dispenser. It felt easy and right sitting with Pete because Pete was a good conversationalist and didn’t mind Mikey’s monosyllabic responses. “Mikey,” Pete laughed as he swirled his straw in his black cherry slash sour blue razberry slurpee, “It’s just a jalapeño. Chill out.” Mikey’s face was red. “You tricked me! You said they were-” but Mikey was cut short when Pete leaned over and pressed his cold blue slurpee lips to Mikey’s red hot ones. He pulled away slowly and Mikey’s eyes were wide. “That better?” Pete asked. But Mikey was so dazed that he couldn’t even nod.