....dias yeht tahw rebmemer t'nac

Jul 04, 2006 06:05

jeezus dosn't this guy ever sleep. it is 6:06 a.m. right now. these are the hours where i go leave my mind by itself for a while. it starves and it sleeps and i chiggity chiggity chiaa!!!!! my left arm is alltingly. i have a slight headache and a slight headache.hush now. god did any of you see Twin PEaks: Fire Walk With Me?? that movie was fuckin crazy....know somthin I hate, when someone wastes time writing some busshit ass nonsense, when he could be making millions working for the bush administration...heh hehe heh...shit, now the secret service is gonna come for me because of my anti pollitical views. remember that i gave you the truth and coupons for Tyson chicken products...man hot wings sound good right about now. i hear things. sirens arew going off in my head or maybe Tool just knowws how to write good music; either way I really like this song. goddamn. shit the bed. people are talking in the background comma a man and a woman period jeesuz don't this guy ever sleep? so lighting his was like an apparation gonna have my cryin out, FUCK ME! GOTTA BE THIS DEADHEAD CHEMISTRY...heh tool...i used to hang out with this guy named Adam, he was a musician, i miss him some days. somniferous eyes, don't even know what that means, must remember to write it down....i should have written a song..fuck jezsusz Why dont this guy fuckin sleep?? goddamn. shit the bed.

wonder bread

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