"So where are you now?" "About 10 minutes from If-I-Lived-Here-I'd-Blow-My-Brains-Out."

Sep 21, 2006 11:11

Have I mentioned before I've become a hardcore, raging, Gilmore Girls fan? yeah, I've become a hardcore, raging, Gilmore Girls fan. I'm up to near the end of season 5 on Family Channel reruns. Luke's dumped Lorelai (P.S.--DUMBASS.), Rory gave Niceguy Whatshisface the boot for Logan, thus furthering her advancements into becoming Emily: The Next Generation (although bonus points for all the stuff she did post-Luke breakup), and for reasons unknown, Taylor continues to live. Not good. But oh so entertaining. But, anyway, as for real-life....

Things are very good. My relationship with Theresa is very much the one I've always dreamed of having, and then some. She's able to challenge me and pull me out of my sedentary nature both mentally, emotionally, and physically without turning into a forceful thing like it's often been. Might be because that requires less effort than it has in the past, but there's still always a visible, tangible care in her that makes wanting to get off my ass and work and improve and explore so much easier. We're still coping with the logistics of it all, with her working and in school, me in school and working from time to time, and being so far away, but it's a rhythm that's being stream lined very quickly. Matter of fact, once I finish with this, I'm heading up to see her for the weekend. But in terms of finding the things I want and need in a relationship to be happy in this state I'm in, there isn't even a comparison.

Ah yeah, class. Haven't written in here a while, so that update's necessary too. So, yeah, I'm officially a film major at New Jersey City University. Taking 4 classes: Intro to Media, Development of the Art of Film II, Psychology of Self-Development, and Film Genre Study: Horror. Goddamn I love my new school.

Well, except for the whole getting there by travelling through the dirtiest parts of mass transportation thing. I'm fast losing my taste for city life. Not to say I'm ready to move out to the country--I still love the entropy of the city in small controllable doses--but dealing with it on a regular basis tires me out so fast nowadays.

A snafu in my getting to interview Orlando Bloom aside, the website front is very cool. Talking fairly often with my editor about taking on a bit more responsibility, like, say, handling part of UGO's video games section. Hope that pans out. Not just because of the "Whoo-hoo more money and free games" thing, but also since this fall/winter is going to be interesting times for the industry in general. Plenty to cover, for sure.

In short, I'm just very happy with the way things are going.
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