Aug 08, 2005 13:49
so yesterday nina meli and i went shopping and i spent $300 lmao but anyway we had like a lovely dayy bonding and stuff. we went to miyako to eat and as we were finishing im like man we better hurry cuz these clouds look nasty! there was alot of lightning so we finally left and as were going home on the highway, nina couldnt see the street. we finally see some cars with their panic lights on because the amount of rain was unbelievable. there was just SOOO much lightning. it was like the nastiest lightning storm EVER. so were freaking out because the lightning was reallly close like you could tell it was within a mile of us. so we finally get home and after running out of the car inside our house we were like ahh nice and safe!!!
so we're inside the house and theres leaks soo were like putting cups everywhere. (if uve ever been to my house ud understand this better).. when u walk into my house, theres the little entrance and then to the right is the dining room and to the left is the sitting room. there were leaks in both of those rooms so nina was putting cups in the dining room along the windowsill while meli and i were putting cups in the sitting room along the windowsill. we were trying to hurry because its dangerous to be by the windows with a storm like that. all of a sudden, we hear BABAM!!!!!!!! and we saw sparks and like a huge flash right before our eyes. lightning hit and we thought it hit our neighbor in front of us. like their lawn or something. so we were like holy shitttt hurry up! we were flippping out...
so a few minutes later melis like u guys..i think something is on FIREEE..look outside..and we saw like i dont evne know it looked like comets ok! it was balls of fire coming down from the sky. and it wa shitting my sisters car so we were like wtff and we back up.. our hugeeee palm tree in front of melis room is like EXPLODING! it looked like the SUN ok!! so meli calls the firefighters and nina needs to move her car! so im on the phone with my parents ( WE WERE HOME ALONE!!! ) and nina runs into her car and her caught on fire hahaha ont he tips a little but it wasnt nething so she moves her car with like things of fire on top of it. there was ashes flying everywhere and smoke omg it was soooo scary.
the palmt ree is ridiculously tall so we were worried of it falling on the house and lighting it on fire but i figured it had to be lit from the base to fall down and turns out i was right. but it was so fucking scary. the firefighters took like 10 minutes i was very disappointed in them. they came and were like oh w.e let it burn. we were like wtff lol so ya we just let it burn and it kept turning off and then catching on fire again. it was so fucking scary u have no idea!!!!!!!!
im soo grateful the lightning didnt strike like 5 feet from that palm tree cuz it could have hit my house! so scary though...
ps- dad doesnt htink he wants the bmw anymore lol he's looking into the new e-class or the CLS which i despise. hes thinking about an A8 as well. or the volkswagen phaeton which ive never heard of but i looked it up on yahoo and its cool i guess...i dunno we'll see..