All of my resources up to about two weeks a go- I do have more to add,
I will get to it, I just have a rotten memory, so it may take a few
days for me to get it completely current. I have probably linked
a lot of lj users whose resources I haven't used yet, BUT I have you
linked ANYWAY because I've downloaded your stuff and may use it later
and yea well, rotten memory and all, this is just easier- so the
list is rather long, but oh well!! At least I have all my bases
covered this way.
EDIT: I've been a bit slack lately with updating this. I've marked a lot of entries where i've gotten resources to my memories, and i will get around to going over them all and putting them in here also. Huge apologies...
Textures/Brushes/Gradients on LJ
colorfilterteh_indyblue_orchideagenderfaded_iconscrashworkicon_texturesicongradients100x100_brushesmata09068010000_pixelsgraphicjunkiewonton_graphics_joniellipsisiconsdaughterofsnapemagnetboyiconschouchounehaitoleggyslovenightfall_iconscassie47dj43_sachidarkislight @
feverishiconsone8004682800alaskaniconsjustapassenger_scifirootsmeleada77wordsmiggyhonerbrightfuzzyashke_iconsmy_wonderfulkaminoawmpdotnetspaceymefranken_steinscarsonchestohpaintbrushrhinestone_lifefluffy_monsterellipsisiconsillgoest Textures/Brushes/Gradients NON LJ
light of Pretty Brush8neroAethereality Caps/Pics Tutorials
icon_tutorial Other great tutes can be found in my memories- they're ones i'm yet to utilise)
Long list, I know. If you're not on it and you know i;ve used your resources, check my memories, and if you're still not on there, lemme know!!