new shit

Aug 29, 2005 20:03

After truculent enmity, it is my presage that in the matutinal hours, peradventure, my irascible father will abscond. No need to be maudlin, I have whenceforth ceased to be Panglossian. After all, nonage is fugacious.

cal and i ran 3 1/4 last wednesday. haven't ran since...damnit. i'm so bad.

i don't know...i don't really give a fuck about anything right now.

sat on my roof today to cool off. the sky was fantastic, nothing can touch me up there. i can just let everthing go. it made me think...

i hope God has created, like, an Earth Mock II up in heaven so we can all do the stuff that we were never able to do on real earth. fly, sit on a flower, know what its like to be a drop of water falling thousands of miles to the ground, be a leaf and change colours, breathe underwater with gills.

i'm out to get a great american cookie. because i want one. damnit.
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