Oct 27, 2008 23:56
Facebook is so stupid, land of pretend friends, acquaintances and more empty attempts to sow connections with the world, all in vain. Now I get to see my ex girlfriend engage in deep and meaningful long term relationships while I on the other hand, religiously look up her profile just to find out if she might coincidentally have done anything so significant as to draw breath upon our cyber connection by a shoestring.
Not only that, I am all alone, back with my little loser gang of suicidal depressed fucked up little friends, reminding me that these new friends that I liked so much never liked me much at all. That at the end of the day I was just fooling myself with the prospect that I too could be slightly on the normal side of things. I too could be happy for once.
Never, they say with indirect plight. I will never be able to achieve that level of funky sophistication because by the hand of god I will never reach the unreachables.
Facebook, hm, thanks to this lovely site I don't think I could go to my second date. Even thought I managed to pick up this nice girl in the clubs, well now that she knows who I know and what a real loser I am by looking up my profile and seeing my ugly pictures, she instantaneously discovers that her beer goggles have been hard at work.
Facebook reminds me I am alone. Facebook reminds me how horrible and unphotogenic I am. Facebook reminds me that I have no past, and now that every body knows about i they will judge me before they even know me. I have a reference that is transparent otherwise they wil think I am fucked up, which is probably true but still. This is so unfair
I can only browse those many acquaintances and live vicariously through their well phrased subtle-sexy-humour and dream about the day have meaningful relationships again wth anyone.