Aug 25, 2007 17:13
After re-reading my livejournal and being consistantly amused by many of my previous entires, I decided I need to start updating this more again, if for no other reason than to preserve memories as my brain inevitably becomes destroyed by age and alcohol.
Last night Reese, Caleb, Megan, Neil, Ritchie, Jared, Matt, and myself all hung out (in various groups at various times). We started with a charming trip to Changes, Wallingford's foremost in gay entertainment. We sat on a patio covered in wysteria and hanging fucia and played truth or dare, and took dollar jello shots. If you are under 35 everyone at that bar eyes you suspiciously. Or undresses you with their eyes, I have not quite figured out which one it is, yet. After that we all worked our way back up to the hill where we stopped by our favorite place to be, the Eagle! Reese and I discovered a secret room in the back behind a mysterious door. Behind said portal is a stairway leading up into a dark room, and when we poked our heads into the stairwell you could hear barely audible whispering and various noises best left undescribed. We got creeped out and tried to forget about it, but that was hard to do when we looked down at the floor and realized we were standing in a wad of someone's cum. Thank god I didn't wear sandals last night. Turns out the alcove in front of the emergency exit is a great place to get jacked off in the Eagle. Gross.
In due fashion, people (Reese, Derrick, Justin, Jared) escorted me back to my apartment after the Eagle where we ate bread with olive oil, saltines with ketchup (a culinary creation of Reese), and talked until 3am.
Today I worked and am now going to clean up the disaster that is my apartment. There is ketchup and beer bottles everywhere. Later tonight is game night, where Caleb and I will hopefully continue our undefeated streak.