Jan 21, 2032 14:12
people that i know of actually reaaaad this, but i just thought i'd ramble as i haven't rambled for a while and rqmbling idddddjhg.
we have a new keyboard and the keys don't stick but i have developed an erratic typing style to deal with it and now all the keys are level and do what they're supposed to do i'm lost.
lost, like so many lambs in space, orbiting jupiter.
essence of horse nose....
i have to get my washing out of the machine now and tidy my room but i cant be bothered, lazy.
lazy like so many sloths who should be at work, but aren't.
pig lung oil....
i really don't have much of any interest to write ever do i?
do i, like so many hoovered limpets.
dog flank mung....
i leave you now with a poem from my brains...
sharks are pointy
pointy sharks
but if you ever ask a shark
'mr shark, how pointy are you?'
he'll say
'not very pointy, well, not as pointy as that halibut'
and then he'll swim away.
RE-OPEN.TRANSMISSION> it's the year 2032 as well!