I Watched Them Fall In Line...

Mar 15, 2006 13:19

I'm bored as hell so I did ANOTHER quiz that asks me many of the same things I've answered before.

:x: your gender= male
:x: straight/gay/bi= straight
:x: single = nope
:x: want to be= not at all
:x: your birthday= May 23
:x: age you wish you were= I'm ok where I am
:x: hair color= brown
:x: long, Short, or medium length= long-ish
:x: the color of your eyes= sorta blue-ish grey-ish...whatever?

:x: piercings = 0
:x: tattoos = 0
:x: height = 5' 6.5"
:x: shoe size = 10 - 10.5
:x: siblings = 2 brothers

:x: movie you rented = 2: Domino and The Weatherman
:x: movie you bought = Se7en (technically bought for me)
:x: song you listened to = Forever by Dropkick Murphys
:x: song that was stuck in your head = The Devil's Takin' Names by The Lawrence Arms
:x: cd you bought = The Lawrence Arms - Oh! Calcutta!
:x: cd you listened to = Dropkick Murphys - Sing Loud, Sing Proud
:x: person you've called = Colleen
:x: person that's called you = Rob Bullerwell
:x: time you talked to an ex= don't have any
:x: tv show you've watched = Something about dwarves on the Discovery Channel
:x: person you were thinking of = to be perfectly honest, myself

:x: you have a crush on someone = yeah, she's my girlfriend
:x: do they know = ^see comment above kay thanks
:x: you wish you could live somewhere else = maybe eventually
:x: others find you attractive = Oddly enough, yes. I can't figure it out for the life of me but I get staredowns and hit on and it's really uncomfortable!
:x: you want more piercings = NO!!!
:x: you drink = not as of now
:x: you do drugs = HELL NO
:x: you smoke = gimme another HELL NO
:x: you like cleaning = blah...
:x: you like roller coasters = yup! I never did before 15 though 
:x: you write in cursive or print = I switch off
:x: you wear hats= sometimes

:x: long distance relationships = It'd kill me but I would deal if I had to...
:x: using someone = Against to the maximum!
:x: killing people = well, I'd never kill someone...
:x: teenage smoking = I wouldn't, people can do what they want
:x: doing drugs = I wouldn't and I think it's stupid, but let people do what they want
:x: driving drunk = who the hell would honestly say that they are all in for that?
:x: gay/lesbian relationships= I'm straight, but I think they get too much shit. Let them do what they want, it's not hurting anyone.

:x: food = Fettucini Alfredo
:x: song = Nose Over Tail by the Alkaline Trio
:x: thing to do = ...most anything
:x: thing to talk about = Music, Movies, Warm Mushy Sentimental Moral Crap
:x: sports = I used to like baseball
:x: drinks = Dr. Pepper, Coffee (my teeth love me)
:x: clothes = Uh... I like band tees, old looking (vintage I guess) tees, polo shirts, button ups, sweaters, and obviously jeans (not baggy!)
:x: movies = Fight Club... followed closely by Office Space, Se7en, and Sin City
:x: singer = Mark Hoppus from Blink 182
:x: holiday = Christmas

:x: ever cried over a girl= ...yup (shuttup I am a man)
:x: ever lied to someone = I tell little lies all the time...for some odd reason 
:x: ever been in a fist fight = nope. I do hope to someday be involved in fisticuffs and win though.
:x: ever been arrested = can't say I have
:x: been out of the country= yup
:x: gone skinny dipping = hell nah!
:x: slept all day = once until 4:30 pm
:x: played strip poker = nope

:x: of times I have been in love? = once and I'm stayin' there
:x: of times I have had my heart broken? = twice, but the second time they fixed it
:x: of hearts I have broken? = I think maybe one if any?
:x: of drugs taken illegally? = NONE
:x: of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? = ... a dwindling number. Maybe 4 or 5?
:x: of people I consider my enemies? = none
:x: of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? = Honor Roll most of the way through school
:x: of scars on my body? = Scars from veins on my upper arms, sorta hard to see but they're there
:x: of things in my past that I regret? = a bunch of little things and one really big recent thing that I care not to mention

:x: disney movie = The Great Mouse Detective
:x: nickname = how about Bob
:x: eye color = Green or Green-ish
:x: flower = don't really care for them
:x: piercing = none! but more than one (as long as it's not over 3) in the ear is cute
:x: actor = Brad Pitt
:x: actress = Natalie Portman and Keira Knightley

:x: funny = when I'm really on top of my game
:x: hot = I don't think I'm that great at all
:x: friendly = If the other person goes out of their way to make me feel comfortable. Otherwise I take a while to open up.
:x: amusing = yeah, I'm a goof
:x: ugly = I guess not
:x: loveable = to some
:x: caring = I try
:x: sweet = I try
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