This is my little break from my Brit. Lit. essay. I still have 3 more paragraphs to go...poo....
So I have decided to make a post about my various online profiles and messengers 'cause I feel like I have an obnoxious amount.
I have a myspace. But sadly, I cannot use is anymore because my interenet refuses to load any makes me sad. Myspace is by far the best online profile. if ya wanna take a look but you have to be my friend to look 'cause it's on private (my URL name was from the time I was into the whole "darkness and vampires" thing...oh how I miss it Myspace. But now, no one uses it so I guess I'm not missing out on much.
I have a facebook too. Facebook has basically taken over the world. Before it was myspace, now it's facebook. lame. Anyways, facebook is nice 'cause basically everyone has one so it's a good keep-in-touch device but you can't decorate your page or play music on your page like Myspace which makes it lame but at least my interent lets all the pages load on it, which is nice. <--you have to be logged in and be my friend to see it.
I obviously have a livejournal. I've had this online profile for the longest although it's more of a journal than a profile but whatever. It is my favorite. I remember when I sad that I'd never get a livejournal way back in the day and then my first post was extrememly angry and titled, "Sellout" but now I love LJ. I was never addicted to it but I feel like I might be now since I update almost everyday. But sadly, no one really uses LJ anymore. Only Becca and on occasion Ariel and Abby. But then again, I guess that's nice 'cause they're usually the only ones who read it so it's not like I'm sharing my life with everyone I know....but I am because I know other people read it sometimes too but whatever. It's more of a select few, which is nice. I kinda want another user name for it though 'cause it sounds so evil but it's not supposed to, it's just one of my fav. bands with my fav. number.
I also have a purevolume. I actually I have two but I didn't like my first user name (xspikex <--nickname given to me by Mr. Reed 'cause I used to wear spiked necklaces and bracelests and the x's 'cause I unfortunatly labeled myself at straight-edge at one point) so I made another one and forgot to delete the first one. oh well. I use purevolume rarely for I only know that Becca and Molly have one and they also rarely use it. I typically only go on once a month but I probably will more now that track season has started since I go to the library after practice and listen to music. In addition to the above, I have a Warped Tour account. I am the only person I know who has one and to those who are going: you should get one too so I won't be so alone! yep. Well, I have one 'cause I love warped tour. 'Nuff said. I also have a Last.FM account. I made that one night like last week or something 'cause I was bored. Only like Christy and Keifer have one and Christy doesn't even use it anymore. Basically, I've deicded that it's rather lame and pointless. You download some software and listen to music and they record what you listen to? Woo-fucking-hoo, how exicting! ... if ya wanna add me or take a look at what I've been listening too 'cause ya know we all want to know that. FYI, Before Three is a name of a song by The Cure, which is one of my favs and ya all should give it a listen.
I have a MSN Space too but I gave up on it 'cause there's too many things to fill in and I don't know where to begin.
I have a Yahoo Picture album. I love it. It's very convinent. If my computer ever crashes again I'll still have my digital pitures! w00t! Hmmm...what else do I have? Oh, I made an Espin the bottle one once; it's floating around out there somewhere, I don't remember my user name or anything. hahahahaha. I know totally lame. I was in middle school and super bored but I must say, the profile asked some good questions and was rather fun to make.
On to my messengers.
I have AIM as everyone knows. It is my main one because basically all the important people aka my friends have it. Screennames I've had in the past include: huskeylvr90 (I liked Huskeys ya know, the dogs. Still do.), naturesdefect13 (this was during my "I hate the whole damn world!/depressed" phase), punkrockerac16 (I remember this one 'cause me and Jason Sell had nicknames, I was AC and he was DC, together we were AC/DC! ha. yeah lame. whatever. and Also, the number 16 was the number of this extremely attractive boy from this hockey team at DSC that me and Christine saw once.), usvsthem666 (Us vs. Them is a name of one of my fav. Sick of it All songs. and also at that time I was still in my "I have the whole damn world!/depressed" phase.), bloodtastesfunny (still in the the "hate the world/depressed" phase and I also thought blood tasted funny, still do. it totally does.), backatya8000 (people where being mean to me on my huskeylvr one so I made this one to be like, "right back at you fuckers!" yup.) and a bajillon other ones that I don't really remember. My current one is: dropsofjupiter3x. I like it. I love the song; one of my favs.
I also have MSN Messenger. My friends from Mexico use it and so does Andy and Hiroko therefore I must have one. My username is: I've had a few others ( <--from when I was into the whole "darkness" thing, etc.) but this is actually my e-mail address so it's more convinent than the others.
I also have Yahoo Messenger. I have one 'cause my cousin and friend in Croatia have it. My Yahoo ID is: xbringmethediscokingx. (Oh, fyi, the x's in this and my e-mail aren't for the whole sXe thing, I just thought they looked cool). I had another one: cowgonemad666. hahaha. That one always made me laugh but I gave it up 'cause I became obsessed the song, "Bring Me the Disco King" by David Bowie...which is obvious because it is my user name for the majority of my online things.
I think that's it....Jesus, that took a long time to write...I have too many of these things too but they mainly sprouted out of boredum and nothing more....I should find some acitivity to do reguarly so I won't be so bored...